When she did finally make her way downstairs she was greeted with a smirk from the archer. "Like mother like daughter I see, you Romanoffs just decide to sleep late or something?" Clint asked from over his steaming mug. Natasha chuckled and raised an eyebrow. "I take it Y/N hasn't woken up yet then."

Tony shook his head from his seat. "The little widow hasn't left her room yet so we assumed she was asleep." Clint nodded in agreement as Natasha walked over to the coffee pot and poured herself a mug. She fixed it up the way she liked before taking a sip and letting out a satisfied hum as the liquid warmed her chest.

Her eyes found the clock on the stove and her head cocked to the side a bit. It was nearly 10:00, for you not to be awake yet was very unusual. She pushed off of the counter she had been leaning against and headed towards the stairs. "I'm gonna go check on her." She announced to the men in the kitchen before walking up to your room.

She gave a soft knock upon arrival and pressed her ear against the door. "Y/N? You alright sweetheart?" She waited a moment and when you gave no response she frowned. She knocked again but was still met with complete silence. She had expected to at least hear the soft rustling of your sheets or something but there was nothing but still silence.

Natasha took hold of your doorknob and felt her confusion deepen when she found your room to be empty and devoid of any sign that you had ever been there. The bed was made with the sheets tucked so tightly into the bed that you could bounce a quarter off of it. Your small duffle bag that had your essentials in it wasn't where you usually placed it in your stays here.

She moved further into the room and looked about seeing that everything was seemingly untouched. All the clothes left in your closet were clothes that you stored here just in case you didn't pack enough initially.

Frowning, Natasha made her way back downstairs to Tony and Clint. "Yeah...she wasn't in her room." Tony gave her an odd look before opening his mouth to suggest she may be helping Laura with the chores before Steve came barging into the room.

He was sweating, it was evident that he had been out for his daily run. His eyes darted around the room slightly panicked before he spoke up. "We've got a problem. The Quinjet's gone." All color completely left the other three Avenger's faces at his words.

"You don't think..." Clint said cautiously as he sat up. Tony shook his head in disbelief. "She wouldn't." Natasha took a shaky breath and rushed out of the kitchen. She had to make sure you weren't just with Banner, Thor, or Laura.

Steve turned and watched as Natasha rushed away before looking back to the mumbling archer and billionaire. "Is there something I'm missing here?"

Tony and Clint shared a look before looking back to Rogers. With a heavy sigh, Clint finally spoke up. "Y/N's missing. No one's seen her since last night."


It was getting dark now and the team had gained no new information on your location. After checking with the others it had become glaringly clear that you had indeed taken the Quinjet without anyone noticing. They had tried everything from checking with JARVIS who had revealed that you had disabled his systems so that he couldn't report your leaving to the team or any of your superiors. You had also disabled the Quinjet's tracking abilities so they had no idea where you could have gone.

Steve called you too smart for your own good and for once, Tony agreed.


On the second night of your disappearance, they deduced that you must have gone after the man who was the reason the team was cooped up on the homestead in the first place. Tony was thinking of retracting his statement of calling you smart. Going after the man as a team had proved to be a feat that almost cost them their lives; going after him alone was nothing short of a death wish.

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