Chapter 50: Easy To Forget

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"Zoms you helped attract by firing weapons," I mutter, which gets a soft chuckle from Sam, despite the situation. We start off with me in front, Amelia behind me, and Janine taking the rear. We follow the river, going downstream with Jones and his crew following.

They're fast, practically racing after us to reach us on the ground. It's a stupid move for them, since if we did decide to run, it would be easier for them to spot us and shoot if they were at a higher vantage point, but I suppose they want to be closer to avoid all the shouting. They move less noisily than I thought they would, but there's still noise, and I can hear faint moans that are too far away to worry about at the moment. They'll most likely be something we'll have to worry about later, since our noise is attracting them.

As we continue on, our steps quick and conversation short, I can't help but think just how messed up everyone's perspective is. I know that sometimes we see things differently because we all have different perspectives, but it's because of this that none of us seem to know what has happened. I mean, I know some of their memories are wrong, because Sam's recollection didn't have me getting hurt, and Amelia's didn't have me healing after I got hurt, something I was trying to cover up that no one noticed.

But now Jones thinks we were trying to steal the medical supplies, and while I know I have sticky fingers sometimes, I'm not going to just take something from our allies, especially when it's something as important as medical supplies.

Although I do have to wonder just why they have the need for hazmat suits. I barely got to see what was spilling out of the crate when it fell, and what I see in these memories changes because of who it is and their belief on what is there. So while Sam thought there were syringes and Amelia said pressure cuffs, both remembered hazmat suits.

Just why on earth would they need those?

I suppose it could be because of the nanites, but those are supposed to be being worked on in Banktown.


"Veronica says to follow the river until the bank goes pebbly," Sam instructs, humming at the soft sound of the river running. I wish I'd brought my head cam, even though I hate wearing the thing. I'm sure he'd be fawning over the sight, even with the situation. He told me once he was a sucker for pretty views.

He said that while staring at me, so it may have been an attempt to flirt that went right over my head, as it does sometimes, but I still think he would like the view if he could see it.

"Mr. Jones, we were not attempting to abscond with your supplies," Janine says, looking back at the man that's a few steps behind her. Jones' face hardens into a glare.

"I saw you. I was out gatherin' wood when I saw you by the waterfall. I thought about saying hello." He smiles, almost sheepishly. "Ever since I last saw you, Colonel Sage has helped me to understand that... you were probably right about what happened to Millie. Sigrid killed any ordinary person who stood in her way. I wanted to tell you I was sorry about what happened before." His jaw clenches. "But then I saw one of you trying to pick the lock on the crate."

"It was probably Janine," Amelia says quickly, which earns her a glare from the dark haired woman.

Jones ignores her comment. "You even tried smashin' the crate open on the rocks! Then the zombies came, and you ran for it. You promised me Abel was trying to make the world a better place, but you lied! Just like the Ministry!"

I flinch at his shouting, then sigh heavily when I hear the moans of zombies. Just as I predicted, they've caught up to us, although they did so much faster than I thought.

"We didn't lie." Janine frowns. "And I know Colonel Sage is an honorable man. He's also an ally who has helped Abel and has saved many of our important people. We would not betray him, not after all he's done for us. But for now, we've made too much noise, and there are zombies!"

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