"Um..I'm Alexander Jones.. this cabin is used for my family holidays. Although.. we've been renting it out from an old couple for a few years." He stated, although albeit reluctantly. He cleared his throat, all of his hostility earlier was gone, only showing sheepish embarrassment. "Up until recently, we've been saving the money to permanently buy it off of them. They haven't contacted us for a long while but we make sure to keep up with yearly rental charges."

Pursing your lips into a thin line, you moved to be more comfortable. seeing this, Alexander stopped talking.

Rubbing your arm for comfort, you lightly shook your head. "They.. both passed recently."

His expression fell, the confusion whipped away from his eyes as he glanced around warily. "oh.." he muttered, clearing his throat. "I am sorry for your loss. We haven't gotten a notice about it.. uhm, are you the new owner?" he asked nervously, clasping his fingers together as he nervously twirled his thumbs.

"Perhaps.. Depending on your answer." You say, lightly bouncing your leg in concentration. "Why did you come here?" You ask, lightly tapping your temple in thought. Eyes sharp on Alexander while he continued to avoid your eyes.

"Uhm.. I guess it's because i needed to get away from my parents?" he muttered loud enough for you to hear, a long sigh coming from him as he leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. "Their marriage has been.. rough since few summers ago, i usually come to squat here for a few weeks then go back." he explained, leaning back as he sighed loudly.

Pursing your lips, You shake your head and get up. You knew he couldn't stay here while you were here, it was too risky with your bitty-band. You also had to find a way to.. fix the situation with Levi.

You're going to be pushed about it first, though. There was no way you we're going to let him off the hook so easily.

Exhaling softly, you glared at the squatter. "Unfortunately I'm not looking to let this place go. It isn't really a 'holiday' cabin to rent out.. this is a hunters cabin." You say slowly, scratching your cheek.

"We know! We just.. it was within our budget. Besides, this cabin isn't all too bad." He said, glancing around the room with a fond smile. It dropped into a frown as he rubbed his face. "I fucked up any chance of buyin this place, eh?"

Pursing your lips into a thin line, you nodded slowly. Being attacked right after you find a squatter was never ideal — you were grateful that the bitties where more than capable to look out for themselves. That didn't meant you'd stop taking care of them while they're barely the size of a new born.

Alexander cursed softly. "Let me make it up to you. I'll do yard work, I'll clear out the weeds and-"

"Thank you, Alexander." You say stiffly, cutting him off mid-sentence. Your hold on your arm tightening. His movements were too fast, too hectic, would he try attack you again? Taking a small breather. You lightly shook your head. "I had already said I am not interested in letting go of this cabin just yet. But you and your family are more than welcomed to keep on renting it for the holidays."

Alexander stood slowly, running his hand through his hair with a light raspberry. "Alright. Alright, you're the new owner by heritage.. it's only right that your word is final."

His words took a hard jab at your conscious, making you wince lightly as he went upstairs to father his things, mumbling underneath his breath the whole time.

Sighing loudly in relief, you fell back onto the couch with your arm draped over your eyes. A soft groan coming from you as a long day crashed in bulk.

You were so tired of everyone's bullshit. First Edge and Blue's bones break - unable to be healed unless if it was the same type of magic they had, Papyrus woke up out of the blue — which only meant that Stretch might take much longer to wake up from his state. Not to mention, Hange was backstabbing you the whole time!

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