Everyone's jaw dropped.

"Elizabeth...what a beautiful name." I gave her a smile and turned back to the Remus giving him a tiny glare. He didn't do much except I saw small smirk fall on his face and looked over at the Marauders.

"Marshwiggle." Remus said "That's the password." (Yes Marshwiggle like from Narnia)

The painting opened and the color red just washed over me. Lily and I walked inside and my heart was overwhelmed with joy. Everything felt so...warm.

"First year boys follow me. Your dormitories are that way." Remus said and led the boys up to their dormitories. Lily did the same but with the young first year girls.

"You haven't been here for 24 hours and you're already annoying our prefect." Sirius smirked

"I was only being respectful to Elizabeth."

"Mmm...sure. How's it going?" James asked

"I'm alright. But, James if you want Lily to fall for you, I already got a plan...or an idea of a plan. Just don't annoy Lily." I said

"That might be hard...James always annoy Lily." Peter laughed

"I'm going to my dorm, see you guys later."

"See you later..." They all said.

"Don't miss me too much." Sirius winked.

"Wasn't planning on it." I said as I walked away and climbed up the stairs. "Sirius is such a flirt." I whispered underneath my breath.


James's pov

"I don't get it. Why does Lily hate me?" I asked the guys once we got to our dormitory.

"In case you forgot...she called you a cocky, immature, disrespectful bully." Padfoot answered.

"She called you that too." Moony replied.

"Yeah but she doesn't LOATHE me. She only said that she loathes Prongs."

"Not helping." I responded.

"Maybe you should just trust (y/n). Remember what she said, falling in love is a process, and with Lily...it might be a long one." Wormtail said, he definitely wasn't the smartest but what he said was right.

"Guess you're right..." I murmured, "Do you guys remember what (y/n) said about Padfoot on the express?"

"She said many things about me, like how I'm charming and attractive." Padfoot said a little too confidently.

"No she didn't..." Moony was shaking his head.

"Shut it." Padfoot growled.

"You guys are idiots. I'm talking about the time she called Padfoot a nincompoop. What's a nincompoop?"

Moony snorted.

"Nincompoop is a foolish or stupid person," Moony laughed, "if you didn't know what it meant, why did you laugh at her comeback?"

"IT HAS THE WORD POOP IN IT!" I started rolling on the floor and so did everyone else.

"This is why Lily thinks you're immature." Moony chuckled

"Oh shut up." I said, "I have a good feeling that's going to change..."


(Y/N)'s pov

"What kind of music do you like?" I just finished putting away some clothes and I was taking out my record player. We were in the 5th year girls dormitories. I met my other roommates, Dorcas Meadowes, Marlene McKinnon, and Mary MacDonald. They went down to the common room while Lily and I were unpacking.

"I don't know, I don't really listen to music, except for the Frog Choir." Lily laughed.

'Is she insane? She doesn't really listen to music? I can't live without listening to music at least 5 times a day. And what's a Frog Choir?'

"Really? You don't even listen to The Beatles?" I was shocked.

"Not really...I don't have a record player, I only hear them once or twice on the radio. But we don't have many radios here." Lily was getting a little embarrassed but lucky for her I had my collection.

"Sit." I patted a spot on my bed and she did as I told. "Here. This is one of my favorite album of theirs. I also have some other artists if you're interested." I sat down next to her and played their Abbey Road album. I continued to unpack my things but it looked like Lily was enjoying the music.

'I'm glad she likes it...she's gonna have to. I listen to it at least 3 times a day.'

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