chapter 8: trigger vs erza part 1

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Don't own anything

Technology vs magic

Author pov:

After rebuilding their guild with the help of osean workers. Natsu got pressure crunched by 3 strikes instantly defeating him in one move.

Trigger: jeez. Its like your friends can fight you that will last god's knows how long then long came me & my squadron i only beat easily one move i guess this world had changed me * cracking his knuckles * one time i inhumanly lift my raptor with no problem😅

Destroyer: yeah were like superman or saitama

Erza thought long about their missions since looking at the video footage of the lighthouse war. 3 strikes had red haired very interested.

Erza: like a man who is modest. How about this trigger fight me 1v1

Everyone looked at her.

Trigger: what do you mean sword vs sword?

Erza: no * glancing his f22a sitting out there *  technology in your world is still a mystery to us here of earthland i wanted to see what is like to fight against your stealth fighter

Makerov: i have seen what these machines can do. There fast agile but it vs erza ....... Can you make arrangements?


The next day Erza sat inside of a ac130 as it took off with assist rockets.

Erza yelped a bit she's the only one sitting there except two osean crew in back of the plane. Long caster spoke on the mic they given her.

Long caster: << this is awacs long caster listen carefully. This is a 15 minute timer fight they are at least 10 c17 globemasters flying right now closely since your a kind of wizard that has armors that are related to fly but we learned your limited. In case you fall you can use c17s has platforms >>

Erza: oh

Long caster: << however. Our aircraft run on fuel if they bingo fuel it means they will go back to our world for refueling so make count. They still being refueled by our tankers once the game starts, Trigger's f22a raptor is equipped with only pain ball vulcan rounds but no missiles only paint ball ones. Fake missiles will hurt well pain will get sprayed on you but its washable >>

Erza: got it. Anything else

Osean crew gave her oxygen mask

Long caster: << oxygen mask will help you breath, there is less air up here. Once the door is open c17 is right behind you. Oh more thing. You cannot damage his jet. These planes are worth millions of dollars >>


Long caster: << f22a raptor alone cost 334 million. Total units are 150million >>

Ezra: that's alot?!😱

Long caster: << you can only hit him by the canopy make a slash you win. But he hits you or give you a chase if your magic reach's its limit he wins >>

Erza nodded. Door opened she used flight armor & land on the top of other plane.

Long caster: << you are cleared tp engage GO >>

She put her oxygen mask on seeing the f22a coming at high speed she dashed at it.

I may be the first person to put wizard vs ace pilot



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