Gojin:true I don't like conflict to much but...it always seems to find me

We continued walking and I swear a saw a bandaged hand stick out of his long hoodie. I wonder why he wares the mask? I found my self staring at him for awhile until he looked at me.

Gojin:are you okay?

Dawn:hmm oh yeah I'm fine I'm just...wondering why you ware the mask?

He tensed up again but kept walking.

Gojin:I just...really like it. It has sentimental value

I probably shouldn't ask him anymore questions yet he seems almost...dead inside? We reached a massive clearing in front of a mountain with old ruins. At the centre was a set of ruins with multiple chess pieces scattered in a circle.

Dawn:these are the relics?

Gojin:might be

He took a black bishop and so did I.


We turned around and I saw a girl with black hair and Yang run over to us. The girl in black hugged Gojin.

Black:are you okay? Are you hurt?

She sounded frantic.

Gojin:I'm fine Blake no new damage

Now he seems happier then when we talked, maybe they have a bond?

Yang:woah your like Dawn aren't you?

Gojin:yeah, it seems so...I have a question, what are we?

He doesn't even know what we are?

Dawn:Shin Gojira Faunes how di-

We heard stomping and we saw a girl riding an Ursa.

???:oh it's broken

A guy in green showed up next to her breathing heavily.

???:Nora please...never do that again

Blake:did she just come riding in on an Ursa?


Ruby:look out!

We looked up and Ruby lands on Yang. They get up.




How the hell did she get here so fast?

Blake:did your sister just fall from the sky?


???:how could you leave me!?

We looked up and saw the Wiess girl hanging to a Nevermore.

Ruby:I said jump

A girl with red hair lands next to us being chased by a DeathStalker.

Blake:did she just run all the way here with a death stalker on her tail?

Yangs hair turned fiery.

Yang:will everyone just shut up for two seconds before somthing crazy happens again!?

The guy with the purple strip arrived. We looked up again at the Nevermore, Wiess was gonna fall.

Dawn:she's gonna fall

Blake:I hope she dies



She falls and Jaun catches her but when they hit the floor Wiess is on top of his back.

Yang:great the gangs all here now we can die together!

Ruby:not if I can help it

She ran off toward the DeathStalker.


She was getting closer and she struck it but got knocked down. Me and Yang ran after her but the Nevermore shot its feather at us pinning Ruby and stopping me and Yang.

Yang:Ruby get out of there!

Ruby:I'm trying!

I was about to fire but a blurr ran by us and stopped the DeathStalker stinger...it was Gojin? He held the stinger in one hand and he raised the other, he fired a fire blast right in its face. It ran around like crazy but it just fell over and died. He got Ruby unstuck. We ran over and hugged her.

Yang:never do that again!

Ruby:I'm sorry I just...thought i could do it

Dawn:thank you Gojin

He just nodded and he turned to see the Nevermore coming back.

Jaun:uh guys that things circling back!

Wiess:well there's no point in wasting time our objective is right in front of us

They grabbed their pieces but the Nevermore was already here.

Dawn:can you talk to this one?

Gojin:no...it won't listen

Dawn:then let's ground this bird

We both raised our hands and our dorsal plates glow purple and we fire a purple beam of energy and cut its wings off, it was dead. We turned to everyone else who were in awe.

Dawn:so...yeah we can do that

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Dawn asking Gojin questions.


Ozpin:Ruby Rose,Wiess Schnee,Blake Belladonna and Yang Xaiolong. The four of you collected the wight knight pieces. From this day you will be known as team RWBY, led by Ruby Rose

Dawn looked proud at her sister. I'm happy that Wiess hasn't noticed me, it's nice in a way.

Ozpin:and finally the very first of their species to join this school...Gojin Beladonna and Dawn Xaiolong

We walked out.

Ozpin:you two collected the white bishop pieces and as the first two person team you will be known as team GJRA (Gojira)

We both walked off the stage.

Dawn:this is going to be an interesting year



I stopped and tensed up. Wiess...
I felt a hand on my shoulder and it hurts...

Wiess:Gojin look at me...please

I saw Blake walk over and gran her hand and took it off.

Blake:stay the hell away...from my Brother!

King of Destruction x RWBY Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя