Eva bit her lip and nodded.

The couple walked out of the room and out the front door.

"Finally!" Jenna shouted triumphantly. "I want my little girl to have a boyfriend." She sighed and leaned back on the couch.

Lailah crawled off of Vanessa's lap and onto Reid's. "Hi," She said while looking up at him. "You're cute," She grabbed his cheeks and giggled. "Look! He like a fishy!" She let go of his cheeks and held her stomach while laughing.

Reid chuckled at her silly behavior and kissed her forehead. "I'm glad you find me funny-looking, angioletto."

Vanessa leaned into his arm and kissed his cheek. "You're so sweet, Reid."

"Can we talk to you, Reid?" Jenna asked.

Reid handed Lailah to Vanessa and stood up. "Of course." He was going to ask if they could talk as well. Thankfully this talk wouldn't raise any suspicion with Vanessa. It was a normal parent-to-boyfriend talk, nothing suspicious there.

Lucas Sr. got up and walked down the hallway.

They ended up in a room with trophies and certificates on the wall.

"We know that you love our Vanessa, as well as Lailah. It's noticeable to anyone." Jenna said lightheartedly and sat down on a futon. "However, I hate to say it, but Mason at one point in his twisted life loved Vanessa as well."

He wasn't offended in any way to be compared to Mason. It wasn't a direct attack.

"I remember the day she came home raving about some kind man she'd met while coming from the mall. She was 17 at the time and when we found out his age, we weren't worried. She was almost a full-grown adult and she was wise. He honestly seemed like the perfect guy, but we know now that he wasn't. The biggest problem that we noticed, later on, was how controlling he was. He would get so upset with Vanessa and manipulated her into thinking that she was a problem." Lucas Sr. explained with a grief-struck look on his face.

Jenna placed her hand on his shoulder and smiled at Reid. "Since you've been together we've seen a spark in Vanessa. She's happier than ever, she stands up for herself, she's confident in what she has to say, that's the best part to me. You're a great man, Reid and we're glad that you two are together,"

Reid shook his head. "Vanessa," He thought about his love. "She is my love. She and that sweet little angel, Lailah have been such a wonderful addition to my life. A blessing." He loved them both so much. "I've changed so much since meeting her, I thank God more and pray more. She met my son, Cabbrieli and they got along so well. She's such a beautiful woman inside and out." He wanted to bring her into the room and dote on her.

"Vanessa came along and gave me what I've been looking for over thirty years. I've been with women who turned out to only be after my money or just for sex, they were very selfish, old and young women." He explained simply. He didn't care about those failed attempts at dating. He had Vanessa now.

Jenna leaned forward and popped her tongue. "How old are you, Reid?"

"I'm 53." He laughed a little at her and Lucas's reaction. He was old and proud of it. "I know that I'm old, but Vanessa is the woman that I love. She's a treasure and I want to marry her."

Lucas hummed. "Why do you want to marry her?"

Reid liked that question. He liked it a lot. "She is my one. When I saw her at A Cuppa, I was dumbfounded. I couldn't comprehend how she was so beautiful and humble. She's a lovely paradox and she is my love."

"What will you do if Mason has a problem with this? Not that this is a problem at all, but he's crazy and unpredictable." Jenna told him cautiously.

Mason wasn't a problem. He was more like a flea than a real problem. "I've spoken to him already. He knows that if I see him near Vanessa and Lailah again, well," He didn't want to be graphic with Vanessa's parents. They didn't need to know what happened the day he visited him.

By Grace[BWWM]Where stories live. Discover now