14. Need You Tonight.

Start from the beginning

“Don’t you think he has the right to be angry at the world though Jaynee?”

Her words settle in my mind, his threats to do himself harm every time I would leave the house had kept me prisoner in my own home for a year after our accident until I finally realised he couldn’t do any real harm to himself.

“He has every right to be pissed off but not with you, you’ve done nothing but love and care for him. But where are Jack’s friends? Why aren’t they helping? They were all bros together forever and now suddenly they are all too busy. He should be angry with them”

I think about that, it’s true. It’s at times like these when you find out who really has your back, out of our large circle of friends. Maybe two or three of them have any contact with Jack and that’s mostly phone calls.
Even his own parents had gone back to Australia to live. It beggared belief sometimes and it was as lonely for him as it was for me I’m sure.

Assholes the lot of them.

“You can’t think of yourself that way, you’re not a bad person and frankly you deserve some happiness. Although only you would find it in the arms of a living legend “

Her statement makes me laugh “For God’s sake don’t let him hear you say that about him, his ego is already the size of a jumbo jet” thoughts of Marshall’s smart mouth catching her saying that about him make me smile, I’d never hear the end of it.

“I’m not involved in that part of Marshall’s world, I know nothing about whatever he’s working on, his studio or his kids. It’s just me and him and its like all that other stuff belongs to another man”

“You should see them working Mima, it’s hot as hell” My ears prick up and I turn to glare at her.

“You’ve been to his studio?” and just like that suddenly I’m overwhelmed with jealousy.

“With Denaun a couple of times, I think he wanted to show off to me” she giggles “But you should see Marshall in his element, I’m telling you, hotter than hell” I keep my mouth shut aware I’m probably pouting sulkily.

“Hey, don’t be angry with me, I just went to see Nauny “ she whispers knowing she’s inadvertently upset me. I stew over the fact he’s never taken me to his studio.

As we head back towards the stables my thoughts turn back to getting back to Marshall’s house and wondering what kind of mood I’ll find him in. 

Most of the time I find his anger with me actually quite funny and it makes him even angrier but I could do without the side of him I encountered first thing this morning that was for sure but I think he even shocked himself for laying his hands on me like that.
I don’t think he meant to hurt me, he was just caught up in the moment. At least that’s what I hoped it was.

“Are you going back there now?” Jayne asked when we head to our cars “I’m still loving this shiny new truck by the way” she looks admiringly at my new car, it is pretty and much to my surprise Jack loves it.
We’ve even practised getting him in and out before he got sick and he was looking forward to getting out.

“I’m going to the gym for an hour and then heading back, it’ll give him some time to cool off” we both giggle before heading off in different directions. I just have a swim at the gym before showering and slipping back into a little easy access dress as Marshall would call it.

I text him deciding to throw him completely off guard “I’ll be over in twenty minutes, leave the gate open” there’s no reply and I don’t expect there to be but I head on over to his place regardless, hoping the guards at the main gate have my registration and I don’t have to fight to get in.
I’m in luck though they wave me through and on the drive up to Marshall’s house I quickly check my phone again but he still hasn’t replied, my relief at seeing the large iron gate open is almost palpable, just glad he’s chosen to not shut me out although I must remember to keep the upper hand with him.

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