CHAPTER 9 |Unexpected|

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Angela's POV

''Helen, what do I do? He will pick me up soon.'' I panicked, rubbing my swollen bump. She pulled me to sit down on the couch.
''Breathe. In and out.'' She said as I followed her instructions. I did that three times and felt my body relax.

''He is your baby daddy. He said he will take care of you and your baby. You need to calm down. Be a little bit optimistic.'' She said calmly.
''You're right. I will be alright. He will take care of us.'' I repeated her words.
''See? It's not that hard.'' I smiled a little in relief.

''And besides he has the money.'' She added smirking.
''Helen! I don't care about his money. I just want him to be in baby's life. It's his child too.'' I reasoned. She waved me off.
''But you can't avoid the fact that he is rich.''
''Well that's some plus too. I guess...'' I muttered. He can provide everything I can't for the baby and I'm grateful.

''Is he hot?'' She nudged me and wiggled her eyebrows. Just thinking about his handsome face is making me blush. I can't deny that he is very attractive, especially at his age. And the way he looks at me, is sending shivers down my spine. But I want him to look at me like that. My pregnancy hormones are wilding and I can't help it. I just met him again a few days ago and I decided to move in his house.

''He is.'' I blushed.
''Do I see the blush, girl? Don't tell me you like him?'' She gushed.
''He is just attractive. That's it.'' I pointed out. Stop lying. My subconcious told me. Maybe I like him, but I don't know. It's just weird. I'm going to blame it all on pregnancy hormones.

''Okay, I won't bug you anymore. But I will need to visit you.'' She said sadly and hugged me.
''Of course you will visit me.'' I chuckled.
''Okay, let's get you ready.'' She said breaking our little emotional moment. I smiled and nodded. 

I was staying at Helen's these few days so everything was already in my suitcase. When I got out of my apartment, the only things I had to take were my clothes and shoes. I didn't own that much stuff so everything fitted in my big suitcase. I just rearranged it neatly and took my jacket. 

"I'm outside." I recieved a message from him. My heartbeat quickened and I sent Helen alarming look.

"He is here. I need to hurry." I stressed and closed my suitcase. I put on my shoes and Helen helped me with the suitcase. I was so nervous that I'm meeting him that I almost fainted. We walked towards the door and I opened it, revealing him. He was leaned on his shiny car in his attire that made him more attractive than I before. 

"Mother of Jesus!" Helen stared at him in shock. I couldn't blame her. 

"Helen, stop staring at him." I said quietly. 

"He is hotter than I expected. Just look at those muscles." She said, smiling shyly. I didn't like how she was staring at him so much. I mean he is handsome, but no need to undress him.

"Sorry, Angela. That's your man." She gave me a sly look.

"That's not my man. Don't let him hear you." 

I started walking towards him with Helen by my side. He didn't smile when he saw me making me frown. I'm nice to him so why can't he be too? 

"Hello, my name's Helen. Her best friend." She said shaking her hand with him.

"I'm Jay." He said.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked me. I blushed under his gaze and nodded. He took suitcase and put it in the boot of the car.

"See you soon, Helen." I said, hugging her for the last time.

"Take care, babe." 

Me and Jay got inside the car as he started it. I waved her as we got out of the neighbourhood. I felt awkward with him next to me and nervousness wouldn't leave me. 

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