Seokjin - moonlight

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The sun is setting, and you're right here by my side

"Jin you always there for me. Every step of the way. You supported me no matter what. You are my support system, the person that comforts me when I'm stressed"

Every look, every touch, makes me wanna give you my heart

"The morning kisses are my favourite thing. That was your morning routine wake up and kiss me. It always placed a smile on my face and gave me a boost of energy for the day or even the week"

You are my moonlight, Moonlight

"You were called the Moon and the fans were called the Earth. It's true though. The moon lights up the darkest parts of the world. You managed to light up the dark part of me"

Puts his lips on my neck, makes me wanna give him my body

"That first time with you felt like heaven. The way your lips felt like silk made me love you even more. You're gentle and caring"

Sweet like candy

"You're the sweetest guy that has ever walked into my life. Almost like candy. You're irresistible after the first kiss, hug, and cuddle"

But he's such a man

"You treat well me so well, better than I've been treated before. I feel like a queen when I'm with you"

He knows just what it does when he's holding me tight and he calls me Moonlight too

"I said you are my moonlight and you said the same thing back to me. We're each other moonlights when we are in a dark place and I hope that never ends. Today, you become my husband and I am forever grateful for you and whatever you bring to our future"


I sat on the swinging bench in the garden looking at the stars and the moon as they lit up the sky. It had been 2 months since Jin and I got married. I still couldn't believe I would find someone to love me as he does. I felt the swing rock as Jin sat next to me.

"What are you smiling at?"

"The moon. Every time I see it I'm reminded of you"


"Yeah. When you're away for tour or your promotions, I look at the sky at night time and I see the moon shining and it somehow doesn't make me feel completely alone"

"That's the first time you've told me that"

"I was waiting for the perfect time to tell you how I cope when you're away"

"It's the same for me"

"I know baby. Want to know something else?"

"Enlighten me"

"I'm so happy I found you when I did. I know I've told you this before but you really brought me out of my dark place. After my mum died, I literally had no-one and then I met you and everything changed. That's why you're my moonlight Jin. You always will be"

"I'm happy I found you too, jagi. Maybe one day we can make our own little moonlight"

"We will in 9 months"

"9 months?"


"How far?"

"I'm 8 weeks already so I've got to be careful. That's why I haven't been to events with you because I know some people can be crazy"

"That's why you were sick aswell that one week"

"Yeah. But this stays between us, the boys and the company ok"


"Who else knows besides those people?"

"Just us so far. I wanted to do our families sometime later, maybe when we know the gender"

"I love that. Hold on, you've been pregnant since our wedding"


"I'm going to be a dad. A little worldwide Prince or princess will be running around"

"Do you think we're moving too fast"

"Absolutely not. Since we're going through our struggles now of not being able to go anywhere or perform this is perfect timing. Our own little moonlight"

"Good. Then I'm happy"

"Me too baby. How about we go inside for some tea and watch a movie"

"Sounds cosy"

The rest of night we watched 3 movies and drank some tea as the moonlight shined through the window illuminating the living room.

"I love you my moonlight"

"I love you my moonlight"

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