Jungkook - getaway

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As I packed the last pile of clothes for the week I felt a pair of arms around my waist. Jungkook peppered my neck with kiss before turning me around.

"I can't wait for this week away. No cameras. No interruptions"

"Ah, don't forget the guys and their partners are coming"

"Don't ruin the moment. I'll just imagine that's it's just you and me by the river watching the sun rise and set"

"How romantic"

"Only for you baby. Have you got everything packed?"

"Yes. The boys said that 6 of them will travel by two cars which means we get our own car"

"Ah, thank god. The guys are noisy to travel with on a road trip"

"They're not that bad baby"

"Trust me they are"

"Oh. We'll have to take some of their luggage in our car as it won't it the other two cars. We can take turns driving if you want?"

"Nope. Leave the driving to me. You deserve this week to relax and unwind. Let the wind blow through your hair when driving"

"You're so cute"

In case you're wondering we're heading up to Lake 192, where the guys filmed In The Soop. They insisted that they bring their significant others to the place that they claimed healed them last year.

"Which room are we staying?"

"The boat house, where I slept on the show. Everyone else is sleeping where they slept last time"

"Ooh interesting. Is Tae and Hobi's room big enough for 4 people"

"Yeah. If not one couple will have to sleep in that tent or next to us"

"Ok. Are you going to play the guitar again?"

"Anything for my princess"

2 hours later

"Baby, wake up we're here"

I slowly opened my eyes to be surrounded my greenery and a big river.

"Woah. It's so pretty"

"Not as pretty as you though"

My cheeks turned red as I grabbed my suitcase out of the trunk. The girls had surrounded me talking about how one night should be a pamper night. Mina was saying that she got everything required for the night.

"You mean to tell me you brought along 14 masks with you for everyone?"

"Yes Y/N. Don't worry I got you your favourite"

"I'm in. Do the guys know?"

"Who do you think came up with the idea?" - Jen

"Really the guys did. How come?"

"They claimed that because we've been there with them through thick and thin then they'll treat us to a little at home spa treatment. We got lucky girls" - Soojin

I was about to say something but Jungkook came and grabbed my hand.

"Sorry ladies have to steal my girl away from you"

I rolled my eyes as the girls smirked. I Jungkook guided me down to the main house. I got confused for a while as we walked up to the master bedroom.

"I thought we were staying in the boat house?"

"We were but Namjoon thought it would be nice for us to have this room since it is our anniversary later this week"

"How thoughtful"

He stood in front of me as he opened the door. He let me walk in first. I entered the room and tears started flowing. There were rose petals on the floor leading to the bed where a rose shaped heart was made.

"Bun, this is beautiful"

"I wanted to make this trip special. You've been working so hard the last year and I know you've been tired so I want you to relax this trip"

"You are the sweetest boyfriend to ever exist"


It has been three days since we've been here at the lake and today is mine and Jungkook's 4 year anniversary. I woke with arms around my waist as Jungkook's tattooed arm came into view as I turned around and looked at his features.

"It's rude to stare"

"I'm not staring, I'm admiring"

"What are you admiring?"

"Your eyes and the way they sparkle. Your cheeks. Your smile and how big it gets when you look at something you love. Your arms and how the make me feel safe and secure. Your hair and how I love to run my fingers though it and most important your soft plump lips and how they can gently and roughly kiss me. I love how soft they are and I just love the fact that I can kiss them all day if I could"

"They are the same things I admire about you. I never thought I'd fall this deep in love with you and I'll continue to fall in love with you until I die"

"Happy Anniversary Bun"

"Happy Anniversary my love"

We got out of bed and walked downstairs and the house seemed really quiet for 10 in the morning. I opened the door to walk outside and heard some voices in the background.

"They're all up already?"

Jungkook looked at me confused. We walked out onto the grass as we saw everyone looking at us.

"Happy Anniversary!"

"Thank you guys. You all did this?"

"Yes" - Jimin

"Thank you guys. Y/n and I are grateful"

"Well it's going to be a very special day"

Everyone looked at Jungkook after Tae had said that. I shrugged it off as I sat down to eat.


The evening had come quicker than usual and I was standing on the deck at the boat house watching the moon reflect on the lake.


"Oh, hey baby. You alright?"

"Yeah. Do you like the scenery?"

"100%. Did you set the fairy lights up?"

"Sure did. I thought it would be a nice touch whilst we chill here for the night"

"This has been the best day ever, thank you for everything Jungkook"

"I have one more thing"

"There's more?"

Jungkook's p.o.v

My hands were shaking as I pulled the selfishly box out of my back pocket and went down on one knee. I looked at Y/N as she looked shocked.

"Y/N, this may seem sudden but I thought it was perfect timing. You've been by my side for 4 years now and I can't begin to explain how freakin grateful for the happiness and laughter you've brought me. I never thought I would find love again and I'm so glad you split your coffee on me otherwise I probably wouldn't have met you. I want to grow old with you. Start a family with you. So Kang Y/N will you do me the greatest honour and become my wife?"

She smiled and started nodding her head rapidly. I placed the ring in her finger and picked her up, spinning her around.

"She said yes!"

Everyone came out from the boathouse bedrooms and popped the champagne and soon fireworks started. I had my arm around Y/N's shoulder as I looked her at.

"Thank for you saying yes"

"Thank you for asking"

"Jeon Y/N, I like it"

"Well I love it. This has been the perfect getaway"

"Maybe we can have our own getaway to the bedroom"

"We must celebrate after all"

You know what happens next 😉😉😉

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