Fog-By Jazz TW: Dysphoria

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My mind gets a little foggy

Every time I look in the mirror

I start to get a little groggy

I just want my mind to be clearer

But the fog always stays

And makes me feel soggy

I spend days and days

Trying to make out who I'm meant to be

I walk through that maze

On the search for me.

But, the fog blocks my path

And makes me wonder if I'll ever be free.

And I couldn't even fath

If I got through the fog

And found who I really am.

But I continue to get lost,

Drowning behind the dam

Trapped beneath the frost.

The fog continues to close in

And I know that

This is not who I'm meant to be

But I cannot combat

With who I'm expected to be.

The fog has become a weapon

To be used against me.

The fog keeps me trapped

In this body I hate

Waiting for me to adapt.

I wish I could state

My discomfort and hate

But I remain trapped by the fog.

Poems of the RainbowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora