Talking with a good friend

Start from the beginning

-"Yes, you're right."-  Sam nods. - "But please don't tell anyone, especially not Penny!"

-"Don't worry, I won't."- gives a smile to the blonde firefighter.

-"So? What's second?"- he asks uncertainly.

-"The promotion."

-"Did you get one?"- the red-haired firefighter looks questioningly.

-"Not me ...."- laughs Audrey -".... you."

-"What? How do you know?" Sam's face freezes. - "Steele said? Boyce?"

-"No, not them, but that's not the point! What matters now is you, Penny, and the promotion!"

-"So, do you think so?"

-"You make a difficult decision, Sam ... If you become a Station Officer, you can't be with Penny, because you're not in the same rank."

-"I'd rather be with Penny than anything."

-"I understand Sam. But now the station's reputation is at stake, ..... not just yours. If you don't accept, Boyce may be a little angry, another commander will be chosen to head the station. I think Boyce, he wants you for this post because he knows you can do it. And anyway ... when you gave the promotion to Newtown ... you refused because you didn't want to leave town. But this job is here."

-"I wanted the job because I wanted to be a firefighter since I was a child ... and to be able to move up the ranks now ... I always wanted that, all the way until I met Penny. I want her the most, to protect, to help .... to show that I love her. And what if she fall in love with someone?"

-"Life holds many surprises. You have to decide. A position you've always wanted. Or the woman you fell in love with ... It's a hard decision, and there's no solution yet on how you can get both. But all I'm saying is, decide wisely. Your heart would choose Penny, but your mind would choose promotion. What do you think now?"

-"That if I were the commander would make a big difference in my life. I would answer over the station, I could take care of him anyway ...... but we couldn't be with Penny."

-"But. And how?"- he pulls out happily, knowing the answer in advance, as she has known the points of the ethnic code since she was a child.

-"If we married ....."- Sam looks up. He sees Penny in front of him in a beautiful snow-white dress. He is approaching him with a veil on his head. Then he sees his son and two daughters. As they play, as they hike and as they walk around the fire department. Penny looks at her children with a sweet smile and Sam can't get enough of the joy. - "It's impossible Audrey! After all, we're not even a couple! "- Sam bursts back into reality.

-"Sam, this is your chance to be together! The other chance is if you don't accept the job!"- the young girl explains. She wants Penny and Sam to be together as they love each other.

-"Listen Audrey! I don't think Penny would come to me! What should I tell her?"- he asks desperately. -"Hi Penny, I've loved you for a long time and I was wondering if you wanted to be my wife because that's the only way they could be together when I became Station Officer." he turns to the blonde girl.

-"Uhm, not exactly that."- Audrey replies, pulling back a little. You feel like you've gone a little over the border, but you won't leave that much.

-"A few months, less than half a year and I will be commander. I accept your promotion .... That's how I can protect Penny from losing our relationship."

-"And when do you tell me you're nominated as a commander?"

-"After the race."

-"Why only after the race? You know for months."-  Audrey was surprised.

-"Because I don't want it to affect competition."

-"Although it doesn't matter when you speak, because Boyce will also come to ask others what they think of you, how you perform, and more."- she explains as her gaze focuses on Samra and her other vehicles.

-"Yes ... but I still have time."

-"But if you don't step in, you could lose Penny ....."- Audrey frowns sadly.

-"You can't lose something that has never been yours."-  Sam replies quickly. In his voice, it seems as if this whole thing is already cold, but it hurts inside. And that's exactly what Audrey knows.

-"Sam! You are now talking back and forth!!!"-  the firefighter worries and sits closer. She haven't seen this side of the team leader yet.

-"Yes!"- he turns away.

-"Penny is your best friend, on some level you are already yours."- smiles Audrey.

-"But I can't hold it in my arms in the morning, I can't sleep with it in the evening."- close his eyes.

-"Sam. I know that's what you want. But if you don't fight for it, it won't happen."

-"But what can I do?"

-"Start by telling her how you feel."

-"How? I have no courage to admit it. It's just perfect and I ..... what if ..... it just doesn't go."

-"When the perfect moment comes, this confession comes by itself." - she nods. After a few seconds of silence.

-"Are you sure?"- Sam said uncertainly.

-"Yes, don't worry."

-"But if Penny refuses ...?"

-"Then at least you tried. If you don't open up, you'll never know what she's feeling."

-"Thank you Audrey. Thank you very much!- "Sam smiles. He couldn't even really tell anyone about it. It is difficult to tell these to someone, but it is not good if we carry on our sorrows, our troubles, to tell a trustworthy person. Lighten your soul, don't let it carry the whole world wordlessly.

Hello everyone! Thank you for reading. Thank you for the positive feedback. I'm glad I like my stories. Now, unfortunately, I have to take a break: I have to prepare for a lot of exams. In 2-3 months, the story will continue with the competition, which will take a bit of time to write. In the meantime, stay healthy and safe! 🥰❤️

Fireman Sam: The firefighter competitionWhere stories live. Discover now