Y/N moaned at the taste of the cake, making Keiji snicker behind her as his hands smoothed over her hips.

"That good?"

She chuckled out of embarrassment, dropping her head. "Sorry, I just haven't had sweets lately. Chikara got mad at the diet plan I made for him saying if it were me, I wouldn't be able to follow it-"

"And of course you had to prove him wrong," he finished. "Some things don't change." 

"And some things do. For instance," she turned around and looped her arms around his neck, "you never bake on your own."

Akaashi laughed and placed a kiss on her nose. "While I didn't know you were on a diet plan, or whatever it is, I could tell you weren't eating snacks and stuff as often. So I figured I'd make you something to enjoy."

"But you get stressed when you bake, Keiji."

"I felt better knowing you'd like it." He reached behind towards the plate, getting frosting on his finger and putting it on Y/N's lips. "And to some extent, I'll enjoy it too," he murmured, kissing her and taking her bottom lip between his teeth gently to take the frosting off. He grinned when his eyes opened after pulling away, seeing Y/N's cheeks were burning red. "Too much?"

"It's been a while," she reasoned in an embarrassed tone, not meeting his eyes. "But I don't mind."

He hummed teasingly and kissed her cheek. "As long as you're okay with it. Go back to eating, love."

Y/N did that, turning back around and leaning her body against Keiji's as she ate. She was still blushing but felt the calmest she had in weeks at his side. The familiarity of his body, voice and mannerisms soothed her.

Eventually they made their way to the living room, cuddled underneath a blanket as they watched a movie. The whole evening the pair were joined at the hip, maintaining some type of contact at all times. It was almost as if they were afraid to separate. 

Y/N's head laid against Akaashi's shoulder, his fingers combing through her hair and one of her hands rested on the crook of his neck, her thumb rubbing against his neck and jawline from time to time. She smiled whenever she heard him hum as her fingers moved against his skin.

During a calm part of the movie, Y/N tilted her face to press her lips against Keiji's jawline. She bit back a grin when she felt his body relax and heard a sigh leave his lips. The hand Keiji had in her hair stopped its movements before leaving to let his arm pull Y/N in. 

"More?" Y/N murmured against his skin.

Akaashi blushed but responded. "If that's okay," he whispered.

Y/N said nothing and shifted so it was easier to kiss his neck. She cupped his jaw and began to leave kisses on his skin. A louder sigh was heard and any remaining tension in Keiji's body left. His eyes closed and he tilted his head, allowing Y/N more access. 

It didn't take long for Y/N to move onto his lap and begin to swipe her tongue over his sensitive spots, feeling him squirm underneath her. Once a few bruises were beginning to bloom on his neck she pulled away and cupped his cheek. Keiji could clearly see she was hesitating.

"Hey," Akaashi said in a low voice, "We'll go as far as we're both comfortable with and can stop at any time." As he spoke he raised a hand to her neck, softly wrapping his fingers around the flesh. His other hand caressed the exposed skin of her thigh. "What do you want to do?"

*warning: sexual content*

Somehow Akaashi had managed to lay Y/N down on the couch as they made out. His hands had a firm hold on her waist as his hips moved against hers. Y/N felt her mind go hazy at the feeling of Keiji's warm breath against her neck and his hardened length pressed up against her. With every roll of his hips, her back arched and pressed their clothed chests together. 

I'm Here //IWBFDYT 2// {k. akaashi x fem!reader}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora