Chapter 34: Never Live It Down

Start from the beginning

"Oh, c'mon, that line has to be from a movie."

I sighed. "Ah, you know my deadliest secret---one-liners. I'm a sucker for 'um."

"I'm not a one-liner, and you're a sucker for me."

I rolled my eyes. "That's corny."

He shrugged. "I know. But, hey, it's not from a movie...Or is it?"


"Well, if you don't know it, it can't be. Unfortunately movies beat me in your statures," he sighed all depressed like.

"Shut up."

Damon smirked and leaned down slowly to kiss me. Mmm, I really missed him! I'm not supposed to have, of course, but I did. Maybe I'm too easy, but I don't care. And until he lays a hand---or fangs, I guess---on me, I wasn't going to be rid of him just yet. Of course, that meant I would have to tell my dad. And he was going to be pissed. I could hear the conversation now: "I thought you two broke up," he would say. "We did," I would say. "But we're back together now." He would respond, "But I thought you didn't want to fall in love." I would reply, "I did. But then I realized I'd already fallen." Though I probably wouldn't say that last bit to him; that was for my own benefit.

"Aw, how sweet!"

Damon and whirled around, me falling clumsily back on my ass, to stare at Elena. I hadn't even heard her walk by the door. But more importantly, neither did Damon. Haha, I distracted a badass vampire!

"Elena!" Damon growled.

She laughed and stuck her tongue out at Damon. "That's for waking Stefan and me up the other day, so blah!"

Damon rolled his eyes, groaning when I laughed. "Don't encourage her," he muttered.

I sighed, getting up and grabbing my hoodie and bag. "I should probably go. It's late."

Damon got up, too. "Am I taking you home this time?"

He had such a pleading look on his face and I was about to give in, but Elena cut in, shouting, "Nah-uh, this is our thing. Girl time. You get to be with her any other second of the day."

"Plus I have school tomorrow," I added, wondering why that was a plus.

Damon's facial expression told me he didn't agree on the 'plus.'

"See you tomorrow after school," I said and gave him a quick kiss. He caught my wrist, though, and pulled me into a deeper kiss. I felt embarrassed with Elena standing right there, but he really was a great kisser...I pulled away, giving him a scolding look with a smile hidden underneath it.

He shrugged. "Hey, all I'm saying is if I have to see you on your after hours, I at least get better than a freaking peck."

I rolled my eyes. "Night, Damon."

He smiled dazzlingly. "Night, sweetheart."

Elena gave the one shoulder up, chin down and smile look. I mouthed for her to shut up and she shrugged. We walked down the staircase and silently into her modest car. I had half a mind to stomp my feet the entire way. I didn't want to go! Funny how about two months ago I was stomping my feet because Damon wouldn't leave me alone and now I didn't want him to leave me alone.

"So, this thing with Damon..." Elena began, her eyes still on the road ahead. "You think it'll last?"

I tried figuring out if there was more meaning behind her words. Four weeks ago, before we had broken up, I have said hell no...which we had broken up, too. But now...My hopes were high, too high, and I said stupidly, "Yeah. I think so. Why?"

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