Chapter 35 - October Scorpios

Start from the beginning

"Woahh" you heard Spencer cheer out as he walked over to Henry and picked him up. "You're me?"

Henry nodded while breaking out in a fit of giggles, "Happy Birthday uncle Spencie!"

"Why, Thank You!" Spencer exclaimed as he carried him towards the living room, all of you following him immediately.

"So! Y/N, when's the baby due?" JJ asked as she grabbed your belly, making you giggle at the excitement in her voice.

"Any day now, Miss JJ. I feel like I have been pregnant for fucking ever!" you confessed, looking down at your stomach to whisper something to the baby. "Sorry babygirl, love you...."

You were all just hanging out and making conversation when you heard the alarm that you had set up in the kitchen go off. That was you and Rossi's cue to take the last dish that was cooking out of the oven and bring all of the food to the dinning table.

You both rushed over quickly, adding the final touches to the food and placing it on the table.

"Everyone to the dining room please!" Rossi called  out to the team as you walked in with the last dish, putting it right smack in the middle before the team headed over.

"Woah! You guys this all looks so delicious!" you heard Emily praise as she found a seat.

"Yeah... you guys really went all out!" JJ added with a soft chuckle, opting to sit in the corner.

You instantly found your seat next to Spencer, making him sit in the middle so you could all sing him happy birthday later on.

"Everyone please! Help yourselfs!" announced Rossi, giving everyone permission to dig in. The food tasted absolutely delicious, you all finished up in less than five minutes, serving yourselfs seconds and even thirds.

All of the dinner talk was about Spencer being in a relationship and becoming a father, which was something they never expected to happen in a million years. They told you stories about how he would always pick up girls numbers while on cases but never call them back, a little heartbreaker they called him. That's until he got obsessed with you...

As you all finished up dinner, you excused yourself to bring Spencers cake. You realized that everyone might be a bit too full to eat it right now, but you wanted to get this party started.

You walked into the dining room, watching everyone help clean out the table for you to put the cake in the middle.

"Are you ready babe?" you whispered to him as you layed down the cake down, watching his face turn into an expression of excitement.

"Did you bake this?!" Spencer asked with a smile. "It looks delicious!"

"Thanks, Spencie" you whispered as you planted a kiss on his cheek, feeling him blush from your action.

"Okay, okay... Everyone, lets gather around to sing happy birthday to the boy genius!" yelled out Garcia as she pulled out her phone to record. Everyone found their places, you watched Morgan pretend to warm up his vocal cords before you all began, making a giggle escape from your throat.

"1....2.....3! Happy Birthday to you!" you heard everyone sing simultaneously, trying to keep up with how fast Hotchner was going.

As they hit the second verse, you felt something. It was like a strong cramp building in your back and stomach, feeling how the baby was extensively kicking.

You had gotten them before, but these.... these felt like the worst pain you had ever felt in your life, other than getting shot of course. You tried to keep a neutral expression, not wanting to take Spencers moment away.

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