Ch. 7

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It was a pretty normal day.. I was spending my time with her, like I would normally do.. then a while later, she received a letter.. and almost dropped dead."

She turned to me and said "Dear, I will be back soon" and then leaves with her driver and didn't return for years.. that we assumed her to be dead.. the day she disappeared was the last day, I have truly lived"

Alex who has been listening the whole time couldn't stop her tears from flowing.

"He started abusing me since, for the silliest reasons.. He even humiliated me infront of his wife and son.. Yet, treated Edward well.. I don't know, what's my fault..
I was sent to a boarding school, yet had no friends because all knew who I was. It's the same wherever I go.. I am not allowed in his house, nor in his company.. for the first time in my life he gives me a chance.. that's why I am here.." said David..

"It's fine, David.. I am listening" says Alex as she pats his back.. hiding her bloodshot eyes.
He continues "I can't tell you now, but you'll know eventually"

Alex smiles and says "Honestly I don't care, I would never judge people for who they are, I judge their choices.. things they willingly did, when they had other options.."

David looks to her, and says "I don't understand you, I can't even know why I am telling a person that I've just met all this.. when I haven't even voiced those thoughts before.."

"I'm being serious.. but please don't freak out, when you sober, we'll pretend we never had this conversation" said Alex affirming him..

He says "thank you... Alex" then throws his arms around her. That gesture made her froze for a while but then reciprocates.. she says "I did nothing, really.. don't thank me" as she awkwardly breaks the hug.. to find him asleep..

She lets him rest on a chair as she gets someone to help get him back to his bed..

She went to sleep yet her mind was engaged by the parts she unravelled from David's truth today. With such a loving family like hers, she couldn't imagine that such live and struggles as David's exist.

Keeping her mind busy with all that stuff, Alex got exhausted and slept deeply, a thing she couldn't do since years; due to all those dreams which made a part of her sleeping routine..

Next day, David wakes up to find Michael looking at him with a grin.. David says "What's wrong? why are you grinning?"

Michael says "That's your good morning, anyway I am not ruining your mood.. since you indeed had a good night"

David gives him <What are you talking about> look..

so he continues "last night, saw you with her.. you two seemed pretty intimate, so I decided to step back and watch.. David says "What!"

Michael replies in a teasing manner "yup, and you had enough time.. to talk, but you really did a terrible thing at the end, I am not sure you'd be forgiven..
But it's never too late, go and say sorry now.."

David dashes out of his room, while Michael stood there laughing.. "He really fell for that, didn't he?"

Meanwhile, Mr. Maxwell gets a call from the investigator asking for the whole family's presence as he announces the result of CCTV footage..

To be continued....

What secrets will the CCTV reveal?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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