Mother: We came to make sure you both were okay. Nothing to bad happened did it?

(S/N): Oh that's not even the half of it.

Your sister starts going on and on, telling your parents on how you and her saved a lot of people from goo monsters and how she punched metal with her own two hands.

Father: Seems like you both were very brave.

Your sister keeps talking on how she was helping Frisk fight against the evil creature Bete. Meanwhile, you see Frisk and Asriel go outside. By the time your sister was done talking about what happened, you see Asriel run inside and go in his room, however, you saw him crying a little bit and at this point you needed to know what happened.

You: Mom, Dad, may I be excused?

Mother: Sure, we need to catch up with Toriel and Asgore anyway.

You walked away from your parents and head outside to where Frisk was.

You: Frisk I saw Asriel crying, what happened?

You asked Frisk but they refused to say anything. they looked at you with a blank face and for some reason you needed to pry further.

You: Frisk, I'm your friend, can you please tell me what happened?

Once you don't get a response you decide to ignore it.

You: Look Frisk if you don't want to tell me, that's fine. But you can't hurt your friends like this!

Frisk: You both are cowards. 

When Frisk says that, she walks back inside leaving you by yourself. You walk back inside and get greeted by your sister.

(S/N): So mind telling me what happened?

You: It's nothing major don't worry.

Your sister pulls you to a part of the living room where nobody can hear you.

(S/N): Don't lie to me (Y/N).

You: But I-

(S/N): I saw Asriel go outside with Frisk and come back inside crying.

(S/N): Now tell me what happened, I know you know something.

Your sister looked at you and her eye started glowing orange.

You: All I know is that Frisk called me and Asriel both cowards before going back inside.

Your sister backed away from you. You couldn't see her face but you noticed that she was extremely upset.

You: (S/N) are you-

(S/N): I'm fine.

Your sister backed away from you. Even though she said she was fine you knew better.


You are hanging out with Chara in her room. You told Chara about what happened and she seemed pretty pissed.

Chara: I can't believe Frisk would do something like that!

You: I'm sure Frisk had a reason, they wouldn't do something like that out of the blue.

Chara: I guess you're right... it's just.... Asriel is my little brother... and I care about him... a lot... and to just even think Frisk would do something like this... it's just....

You go over to Chara and wrap your arms around her, giving her a soft hug. She gladly accepts it.

Chara: *Sigh* Thanks for this..... it... feels nice.

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