Taken & Tortured (1 of 4)

Start from the beginning

"Silence stupid Dameos." John shushes him but that only makes Prince Asch even more mad.

"Have you kidnapped us to kill us for your little plan?" I asked a little nervous to hear the answer.

"Uhhh well not exactly, we actually kidnapped you two for something else, but your little prince here will be taking the runt of it." John says before one of his hands grows into one of the black demonic claws again and he opens the cell "Attack and you'll get it." He says walking in while Gordan points a gun at me.

John grabs Asch and pulls him out "H-HEY!" Asch yells.

"Hey what are you doing with Prince Asch!?" I yell at them.

"Heh, you'll find out soon my little Noi~" he tells me and it sends shivers up my spine.

I watch as they drag Prince Asch away "PRINCE ASCH!" I yell before they leave my sight shoot! This is bad I'm supposed to be protecting him!

Asch's POV
I'm thrown on a bed as they dragged me across the stone halls "Ow Dammit." I curse under my breath "WHO DO YOU TWO THINK YOU ARE!" I yelled at them as they stand towering above me.

"Heh, well we're your worse nightmare~" Gordan tells me and I scoff at them.

John than grabs this pink coloured potion "Thank you sister Tiffany for making this for me." He says before popping the top off and walking towards me.

I back away getting a bit nervous now "W-What the hell is that?" I asked.

"Well it's a Potion that my sister made, it's called a body shape potion, it changes the shape of the body it affects. Genitals and all stay the same but let's say for example since you are so muscular and masculine." He caresses my skin and shivers run down my spine as I smack his hand away.

I back away so more "Get away from me!" I warned him.

"Since your body is so masculine, if you we're to drink this, your body would go to a more feminine state~" John explains and I Gulp.

I back away until my back hits the wall, I avert my eyes for only a second to look behind me. And John jumps on me trying to force the drink down my throat. I push him off and try to make a run for it. But Gordan grabs my arm swings me around and forces me into a leaning position where I'm leaning forward.

He grabs my face and John forces the potion down my throat "MPH!" I refused to swallow so John punches me in the stomach and I accidentally swallow.

"Perfect~" John says with a evil look on his face "Now let's wait for the body to reform itself~" John grabs some handcuffs and cuffs me to the bed.

A few hours have passed and my body looked like a woman's, all my mussels went away and it was very feminine now, I even shrunk a little.

John and Gordan walk back in "Ah I see your body has settled, he says before caressing my face.

"I'll kill you!" I growled and they laugh.

They unchain me and I try to fight back but John grabs my arm and pins it to the bed "Calm down gorgeous~" he says before taking my clothes off and then I hear clothes come off from behind me and a pair of hands pin me to the bed from behind.

John undresses himself, and grabs my chin pulling my head to face his "Why are you doing this?" I asked trying to remain calm.

He laughs "Because we can and it's fun~, and we love to see people suffer~" he says in a sickening tone, before shoving his dick down my throat.

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