64.) Fear's a Liar

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I didn't like the dark. That wasn't new, but it didn't change the singular fact that I was in the dark and I did not want to be.

I was in the dark for a haunted or cursed or completely ordinary cup. I didn't care about the cup. There was nothing stopping me from turning around and taking my chances with the siren. I could take her, I knew I could.

But I had friends now. Weak, cute little friends. I took a deep breath. The dark would have to do.

I stepped forward. There it was, the tree that marked the start of the grove. Then I'd see the cup and my worst fear. I just hoped whatever I was afraid of was something I could punch. If it wasn't, well I was in trouble.

I took a step forward. Please be punchable.

Then another. Please let me hit you, oh great fear.

Then I was in the grove. Nothing happened. I was fearless, evidently.

I took another step forward. Nothing.

Then there was a hand on my shoulder. I let the corners of my mouth inch up. I could punch it!

I made a fist and swung around, grabbing my assailant before they could move. Then, I faulted.


She looked at me, her eyes cold. "Arriana."

I braced myself for whatever emotional devastation would come. Something would come.

Ryan chuckled. "You really thought I loved you, didn't you?"

"Liked me at least."

If that was the best the meadow had, I'd be golden. If the shocking revelation was that Ryan wasn't dedicated mind and soul to me after our brief relationship, the grove would have to dig a lot deeper than that.

"No, I was just using you. Using you like everyone in your life."

"I'm not useful."

"To the contrary. You're powerful. You're leverage for your parents against each other. You're a friend who can go places others can't."

"That's not true."

I turned around, but Ryan was infront of me again.

"Are you so sure? This place is good at telling you truths."

"No, it's not. That's not what it does and you know it."

"Do I know it?"

"You're not real."

"Are any of us real?"

"More real than you."

Ryan's lips moved a little bit. A flame flickered, illuminating her face in an orangish light.

"Does this seem real to you?"

The warmth felt real enough. But it wasn't. I knew it wasn't.

I shook my head.

"How about this?" Ryan flicked her fingers, and the ground was blazing, the flames moving rapidly.

"That's not real either."

"Wanna bet?"

Her eyes seemed to be glowing, then they were like smoldering embers.

I held my ground. The fire inched toward me. I felt warm all over, but I didn't burn.

It was my turn to smile. "See, not real. You don't have power here."

"Oh, I do. I've always had power in your mind, Arriana."

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