"Addie, that's complicated."


"Because." I hear behind me and jump slightly. I look behind me to see Aiden. I swallowed as he walks over.

"Mom left with you because we were in a bad spot. Especially with our dad. He was a bad person. And I told her to take you and leave."

"The boys were only two, why just me?" I ask. He clenches his jaw.

"She couldn't take care of all three of you on her own. Alec and I could handle them," he says. I stare at him for a minute.

"That's before I left. What about after?"

"We're still looking for that," Aiden says. I look at him and then Maggie. She closes her eyes and looks down.

"Looking? Looking for what?"

"The one person who has answers," Aiden says. I raise an eyebrow then it hits me. I shake my head. No way. Not happening. This is not my life. Taylor was right, I'm in a movie. This can't be happening. What genre are we in now? Murder mystery or missing persons?

"No. No, no, she's dead." Aiden sighs.

"That's what we thought. Until we looked deeper. There wasn't a body revived from the car crash. They just never found her. She was presumed dead when she never turned up," Aiden says. I stare at the two of them. I look at Maggie who looks down. My mom... is alive? What the fuck? How... why? No! Why is the universe trying to turn everything I ever thought was even remotely stable in my life upside down? Because even if my mom was dead, at least it made sense. Why did the universe just hate me recently?

I stand up and walk out of the kitchen. "Addie!" Aiden calls. I don't turn back around, just go up to my room and closing the door. I make sure to lock it. I stood there for a minute. I went into the shower, and it felt nice. But my mind was still a million miles away. I changed and went out onto the balcony. I closed my eyes, taking a few deep breaths.

I let myself fall down, holding onto the rail. I leaned against the wooden railing. I put my head against it. Eventually I sat in the chair. I looked out and didn't really do anything. For hours. I just let my thoughts go in every possible direction. Tom, my mom, Maggie, Cole. All of it. And I just sat there. Motionless, staring out at the sunset. There were mountain, miles away, but they looked nice. I watched the sun go down behind them. I let out a breath.

My thoughts were finally slowing down. I felt like I could fall asleep. Aside from the knocking from inside. I looked back. They were knocking on my bedroom door. I sighed, leaning back and slumping in my seat. How could Maggie not tell me this?

I heard something nearby and looked over. Abel opened his bedroom window and poked his head out.

"The hell are you doing? Answer your door," he says. I raise an eyebrow. "What?"

"You spent the day with Axel, that's what," I say. He looks a little confused and I roll my eyes and stand up. "God, now I get how you're twins."

I walked back into my room and opened my bedroom door. I saw Maggie there and she gave me a shy smile.

"Look, Adeline, I don't want you to be mad at me. I just wanted to protect you."

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