Remembering where I was, my hand went to my switchblade and I pulled a chair next to me, shielding me from the direction Ximena and Ronald were. Once I managed to look in their direction, my eyes widened.

Ronald pointed a gun at Ximena, who was staring back at him with complete acceptance on her face. Her focus shifted to me for a moment. Ronald turned next, his eyes going rapidly from me to the scene behind me, to Ximena. The moment of decision was clear. The look on his eyes shone with determination in an instant. With a single movement, he grabbed a knife from the center of the table and stabbed it through Ximena's stomach. Her lips parted as her hands went for the blade, staring down at it as she fell back into the chair.

He stepped back, his face struck with absolute horror. Then, shook his head and turned around, shooting the huge glass window of the cafe. In the half-second it took to shatter, he turned my way. With a single kick, the chair I used was sent flying.

I lunged at him, shoving my shoulder as hard as I could into his stomach. We fell into a table, turning it over with our weight and crashing to the ground. He swiveled on top of me, sending one punch to my nose. The force of it immobilized me for a moment. Just enough for him to stand up and shoot a bullet through my shoulder. My scream blended with the ones around us. 

Just as Ronald was about to shoot a deadly one at me, the door slammed open. He broke into a run towards the shattered window without looking back.

A moment later, Anastasia's face appeared in front of me. She held a tablecloth in her hands, pressing it to my shoulder. "You're gonna be okay," she croaked. "It was just a little knick, alright? Don't be a wuss and die on me. I'll kill you if you do."

A knick? I felt the entire bullet go through my shoulder blade. "Go," I pushed her away, gritting my teeth at the pain. "Don't let him get away. I'm okay."

She stared towards the direction Ronald Bring went. I could see the indecision in her eyes. If Ronald Brings gets away, everything will fail. She shook her head and looked at me. "No. I'm staying--" 

"Don't be an idiot!" I groaned. "Go after him! I'll take care of Ximena and get myself back to the warehouse. If he gets away, we're all as good as dead."

Her jaw clenched. "Are you sure?"


She leaned in and planted a hard kiss on my forehead, then ran off after him.


Despite watching it from the safety of the car, I couldn't help but flinch once the debris began flying. My car shook softly from the blast and, for a moment, I was afraid my windows would shatter.

I watched as the building fell in on itself, raising a thick cloud of dust. It rose high above the buildings that surrounded the station, covering everything that came in its path. The high-pitched screams sounded muffled through the enclosure of my car. Anyone walking the streets too close would probably not make it. I didn't let the thought linger in my mind too long. Before it could sweep over my car, I reversed and sped out.

This was by far the flashiest, deadliest, and most daring declaration I have ever been a part of. The death toll would be high. Anastasia knew that. She made sure we knew it, too. She reminded us time and time again. People would die. Innocent people. We all agreed. This was the fastest and boldest way to let everyone know no stone would be left unturned.

Any shot that anyone tries to throw at us, we'll obliterate without hesitation.

I turned the corner and sped out of the street. Turning on the speaker for my earpiece, I sighed. "The pen is down. Wrangle the chicks and take out the mother hen."

Final Call for MercyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora