"You're welcome." she said and took the place that Brian was after he was gone, but she sat aside and supported an elbow on the table and looked at me.

"What?" I turned to look at her.

"He was bothering you and I gave you a little help." she shrugged.

"No, he wasn't!" I replied. "Were you watching me?"

"Of course not." She smirked. "I have better things to do."

"He wasn't bothering me. He was actually being nice." I said.

"I saw how you were uncomfortable. Why didn't you just ask him to get out?"

"So you were watching me." I smirked and despite being with glasses I knew she rolled her eyes. It was good annoy her too sometimes.

"You were asleep, alone, practically in the middle of the jungle. I was just taking care of you."

She was taking care of me? That's new.

"Thanks anyway." I said and smiled, I turned around and looked at my phone.

She didn't say anything and I could tell she wasn't looking at me. Well, my place of peace was over and sleep was coming back. I yawned and Lauren giggled.

"Long night, isn't it?" She crossed her arms.

"Fuck you!" I turned to her. "If you call me again like that I'm going to kill you."

"Take it easy. I didn't know that I had called you and actually I don't remember almost anything." she sighed.

"Not even when you wanted to break into my house or when you almost fell down stairs in your house?" I laughed softly. "You even cried."

"Shit." she whispered and pulled out her glasses. She looked like shit. Well, as everyone with a hangover. But she seemed fine with the beanie. I've never seen her wear before. "I remember talking with you before I go to sleep though."

"Actually it was because of me that you were in your bed and safe."

"Oh, my savior, thank you!" she chuckled, quickly pulling me into a hug.

It seemed weird because I was sitting one way and her another. But I didn't pull away.

"And how perfect it would be sleeping with me naked on your side?" she whispered in my ear and I froze.

"My god, you're terrible!" I took her arms off me and Lauren chuckled.

"You're so red!" she said smiling. "It's so cute."

"You are a pervert, Lauren." I rolled my eyes and got up.

"Come on Camila, you have to admit that the proposal has been tempting." she followed me.

"It wasn't and never will be." I assured and stared at her. "Don't ever call me like that again. In fact, the next time you do this I will call the police!"

She didn't have a chance to protest because our free time was over. I thanked God, because I knew she wouldn't leave my side, but unfortunately we would have classes together.

"Where are you going?" I asked when she wasn't going in the same direction as me.

"Home." she looked at me smirking. "See you later babe."

Of course she would'nt go to class. I rolled my eyes and turned to go to class, everyone there already seemed to have disappeared.

I was relieved not to have the latest class with Lauren and I was hoping that with 'see you later' she not meant it was seriously.

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