Just then the interrogation room door opened and in walked two men wearing suits. "I'm sorry agent Gibbs but mr Hunter will not be answering these questions today." The first man said, helping Marcus stand up.

"And who are you guys?!" Gibbs asked, raising his voice.

"We are FBI and that's all you need to know for now." The second agent said as they left the room with Marcus.

"Ugh!" Gibbs sighed, walking out of interrogation.

"You've got to be kidding me?" Jack said as she walked out to Gibbs. "What's going on here Gibbs?"

"I don't know, but I'm going to." Gibbs says as he, Jack, Nick, and McGee walk back to the bullpen.


"So what's going on here! Where are you taking our suspect?" Gibbs shouts to the FBI agents.

"Sorry agent Gibbs, but we can't disclose that, good day sir." The head agent says as they walk to the elevator with Marcus.

"Hey Gibbs the weirdest thing just happened, I found the agent afloat and I tried to talk about the 2013 case but he said it's been classified by the FBI." Bishop said from right outside MTAC.

"I'm sure it has been Ellie." Jack says, crossing her arms in frustration.

Director Vance then walks out of his office and says. "Agent Gibbs, agent Sloane in my office, please." He sternly looked at them both.

Jack and Gibbs walk up the stairs to director Vance's office, Jack then said. "What's the matter Leon and what's going on with this case?"

Gibbs just stood next to Jack, waiting for the answer to her questions.

"I just got off the phone with the director of the FBI and she told me to back my agents off or she'd do it for me, as far as we are concerned this case is closed, got it Gibbs?"

"No I don't get it director, he assaulted Jack and stole from our crime scene..."

"Agent Gibbs, he's in the witness protection program! You can't touch him, none of us can!"

Jack gently put her hand on Gibbs' crossed arm and said. "Come on Gibbs let's go check on the girls, see ya tomorrow Leon." She smiled slightly as she led Gibbs out.

"See you both at dr Palmer's tomorrow." Vance said as they left his office.


"I can't believe this.. he just gets away with hurting you, scaring the girls and Leon says there's nothing I can do!" Gibbs says, looking down at his feet.

"Cowboy look at me." Jack says as she lifts his head to face her. "It's okay he'll slip up and we can nab him." She calmly said, rubbing Gibbs' arm. "I believe in you."

Gibbs smiled at Jack then he said. "Thank you honey."

"No problem, Cowboy." She said, kissing him on the cheek. "Now let's go get the girls and go home... I mean to your house."

"Gibbs smiled at Jack as they walked in her office.

"Okay Kate, Kelly it's time to go." Jack announced.

"Okay, I'm ready." Kate said as she paused the movie and stood up.

"We are going back to mr Gibbs' home right?" Kelly asked, jumping off of the couch and walking over to Gibbs and Jack.

"Yes sweetheart we are, are you alright with that?" Jack said, holding Kelly's hand.

"Yep! But can we make s'mores in mr Gibbs' fireplace?"

Family is more than DNATahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon