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"Su... Mire..."


"No matter... What happens... I will always... B... Be by your side... Spiritually..."

The Pro-Hero, Guardian, smiled one last time. She motioned for the large man in front of her to come closer. "Anko... Take Sumire ... Take her to her home... Make sure that they're... All s-safe..." The Guardian's older brother couldn't do anything to save the Guardian, he complied with her request and grabbed the little girl from off the ground. "W-wait! Mama!" The girl yelled. "I... Love... Y..." The Guardian couldn't even finish her sentence. Anko was able to get himself and Sumire away from the incoming explosion that took multiple buildings, cars, land, corpses, and the Guardian with it...

Horrified with the scene unfolding in front of her, Sumire squirmed out off Anko's arms and ran towards the ruined part of the city. 




Sumire jolted awake from the scary nightmare, oh, how she hated seeing the same nightmare over and over again, she was aware that her mom's death was of her own faults, yet the nightmare wouldn't leave her be. It's been two years since the incident.  "Sumire, you okay, sweetie?" Sumire could see her father's silhouette through her white shoji screen. "Y-yes, I'm... I'm okay!" Sumire wiped off the cold sweat from her forehead and rushed to slide the shoji screen open.

"Morning, Papa!" She greeted, the man gave Sumire a small smile as he gave her a shoulder pat. "Morning, dear!" Asuma felt a pat on his back, he turned around to see his eldest son, Satoshi, smiling at him. "Mornin', Pops!" Satoshi looked over his father's shoulder and winked at Sumire. "Morning, Toshi!" Asuma smiled at his son's playful antics, he patted Sumire's head before leaving to the kitchen with Satoshi...

Sumire walked into the kitchen and was served a plate of pancakes, she smiled warmly and thanked her father for the food. Suddenly, their father started coughing and wheezing blood from out of his mouth. "Father, are you okay?" Kohana asked anxiously. Asuma looked at his children and ran off to his room. "Dad's condition has been worsening lately," Satoshi mentioned. Out of curiosity, Sumire got off from her seat and walked to her father's room...

Once she was face to face with her father's shoji screen, she could clearly see her father moving around strangely. Sumire peeked through the small crack of the screen and saw her father, but he looked different. Asuma's hair had blue streaks across his white ones, his arm had blue and white scales on them, and it looked like he was struggling to hold something back. Sumire ran back to the kitchen, horrified at what she just witnessed. "Yo, sis. You okay?" Satoshi asked. "You're sweating a lot." Kohana pointed out...

Satoshi and Kohana flooded Sumire's ears with questions she didn't wanna answer. "Sumire," A third voice said. Sumire slowly looked up and saw Asuma standing behind her, a strand of blue hair tucked under his white hair, attempting to hide it. "Sumire, are you okay?" He asked. "I... I'm fine..." Sumire looked away from her father and walked to her room.

That night, Sumire couldn't sleep,  she started to see her father's figure again, the scary one that haunted her. Asuma never talked about his quirk, he didn't want his children to know anything about his quirk, he didn't want anyone associated with him to talk about his quirk. "Somethings... Off..." And with that Sumire drifted off to sleep...

Sumire woke up in an oddly familiar room that wasn't hers. "Papa?" Sumire mumbled. Sumire climbed off the fluffy bed and walked out of the room, she looked at the grandfather clock in the middle of the hallway. "3:30 am." Sumire walked down the hall and heard some familiar voices, she pressed her ear against the door from where the voices came from.

"Are you sure you wanna make this decision, Asuma? You do know that your children need a father figure."

"Mitsou, it's his choice... And we're glad to help out, Asuma."

"It's for their own safety."

For their own safety? What did Asuma mean by that? "My quirk's condition is getting worse, I can't hold him back anymore...  I'll be gone for a few years, I'll be back once I'm healed... I trust you, Kusinda, Mitsou."

"Asuma, have their quirks manifested yet? How old are they?"

"Satoshi is 10, Kohana is 9, Sumire is 8. All their quirks are manifested, yes. Satoshi could actually control his quirk better than me actually... If you need something contact me."  Asuma walked then walked out of the door...


"Satoshi, Kohana, Sumire... I'm sorry..."

Once Asuma got to his destination he got out of his car and walked into the building. Most eyes stuck on Asuma as he walked down the hallways of the building. "M-may I help you, sir?" One of them asked. "I'm here to see Mr. Homura." The scientist motioned Asuma to follow him.

"Why is he back here...?"

"He was paid off years ago, why has he come back...?"

"He's insane for coming back here...!"

Asuma and the scientist stopped in front of an office door, the scientist knocked on the door. "Come in..." A raspy voice called through the door. Asuma boldly walked through the door and looked at the man behind the desk straight in the eyes, the man sitting behind the desk smirked.

"Ah, Asuma... So now you've come back... Nice to see you again..."


Sumire Furuya:
Sumire's quirk is called "Valkyrie", which means she has some abilities a Valkyrie has, just like super-strength, agility, and speed, able to withstand higher levels of pain and damage, as well as inheriting a pair of wings which she can summon onto her back out of her own will and that she can change the size of...

Drawbacks/ Disadvantages:
- Speed, strength, withstanding pain only lasts for 10 minutes
- If wings are forcibly torn off or damaged, it takes 2 days to regenerate 
- With even just a drop of water on her wings stops her quirk and advantages for a good 15 minutes
- While she runs with her wings on her back her speed doesn't allow her to run as fast as she could due to how heavy they are.

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