" Correction, its namjesus- h- hey your brother Jin said he wanted to you at his place today in the evening" the shorter male says as he avoids almost being hit by Namjoon.

Namjoon tsks and says " and the luckiest motherfucker... " Jackson winks as he smiles and makes his way out of his office

Later at night, Namjoon arrives at Jin's apartment complex. He exits his car, enters the complex and right now he was in front of Jin's door. He rings the door bell and smiles when he sees Hobi answer the door, " Joon?" his hyung says with a shocked look on his face that later changes into a huge smile when he quickly engulfs the younger into a tight hug.

" How are you hyung?" the taller male asks and Hobi looks down as he blushes a little, " I've been fine... just missing you" he says and invites the younger inside.

Namjoon gets comfortable on the sofa and Hobi sits next to him, the older males asks, " did you get the gender of the baby?" and the younger nods and says " its a girl hyung" with the most sweetest expression on his face, Hobi's face lights up and he hugs Namjoon again, this time not pulling away, much to Namjoon's confusion because whenever Hobi hugs him.. he will always pull away, " im so happy for you Joon.. your going to be a great dad... I know it" he says with a bright smile.

"Thanks hyung... im sure you will be an amazing uncle" Joon replies with a wide smile.

They continue their night waiting for Jin who had gone out for a while. Right now they were in the middle of watching a movie and Namjoon started to feel uncomfortable in his work clothes so he asks hobi if he had some clothes he could wear...

Hobi took him to his room and and gave him some clothes, he only found some sweatpants that fit him so he went fetch a comfortable shirt for him to wear... which left Namjoon alone with his thoughts.

After his birthday party, his relationship with Yoongi had changed alot, he was really happy to know that his hyung who he had admired and had successfully hid his feelings for loved him back. Though he was happy with his relationship with Yoongi, it doesn't mean that the others haven't been tempting him....... especially Hobi and surprisingly his hyung Jin.

He noticed that Hobi was being very clingy towards him and he was never like that whenever they cuddled.

Still absorbed in his thoughts, something catches the tall male's attention, an opened bottle of lube and some sex toys beside it.

Curious he went to go and check it out...

He was curious as to why his very straight hyung will have a bottle of lube and sex toys.... maybe he was having fun with some chic?

Hoseok enters his bedroom and to his horror he saw Namjoon om the night stand.... right were he put his stuff.

Namjoon turns around holding the bottle of lube, he was now face to face with a very horrified and flustered Hoseok, the taller male opens his mouth to say something until his hyung beat him to it stuttering, " I- I can explain... I-Its not what it looks like-" Joon gives him a confused look and says, " What to you have to explain about hyung, y'know I would've went home if you had someone over" he says with a smirk.

Hosoek could easily take this opportunity as a way to get out of the situation but he knew he couldn't hide his sexuality forever..... especially to the one who awakened the gay in him ( wtf...)

" Actually Joon..... there was no one here with me" he could see a frown on his dongsaeng's face and he walks closer to Namjoon and confesses, " I was the one using them..... I'm gay" Namjoon takes a moment to process what he just heard....

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