"I don't know, I slept immediately"I said and leaned to the wall and sat on floor

"What happen. Shall we go to hospital" she asked

"No nothing happened"I said

"How is your headache now"mom asked and brought me milk and I looked at her in pure hate

"Please no more dramaa now. I don't even have energy to fight. And give that plate which I left in afternoon I will complete it.

I'm sure nothing happened so don't stress"I said and switched on TV and she started cursing me to have milk even though she know I won't.

"You won't eat healthy food and don't drink milk then how your pain will reduce"mom asked and I showed laddu(sweet) by eating this

So the banter went on and I got call from anu and I gave phone to mom to say I'm sleeping.

Bad habbit of me is I don't talk with anyone and ignore all even I don't have a reason.

Mom looked at me doubtfully and I ignored and concentrated on TV.

At college after a day

Hello di, how are you"I asked Vishaka di

"Good. What about you and why you didn't came yesterday" Vishaka asked

"Just like that not in a mood to come and I have periods so took some rest". I said

Yesterday I didn't went to college and did my record and observation work and did some time pass. But I attended anu call and Vishaka di call.

"How are you now" di asked

"Good"I said and she gave me some paper work for fest and send others to bring participants.

"You take care here only and prepare yome questions and all. You no need to go and I know about you well so take some rest"Vishaka di said

"You are the best sissy" I said while pinching her cheeks and started doing my work and even I informed anu and she busy with some other work.

Now being fresher is like a candy to seniors that they didn't leave anyone and making every one to work.

Sid and vivek is leading main so there are checking hospitality stall and all the stuff and I guess any also being their part.

The asked me but I said no as I don't want to do the work for whole three days. So being part of one event is best I feel

As time passed my back pain is getting on my nerve that now I couldn't sit properly atleast.

Vishaka di left after giving me some paper work as jijju and di are going out and guide me what should I do and what work should I asset others.

Frankly she didn't gave any work and said to me to take rest and send everyone out.

She is leading two events technical and mom technical.

Asked to prepare questions for technical event.

But I don't know when I slept until one man came and called me.

I woke up with jerk and asked what he want.

"Sid sir said to take you out to bring participants" he said and I looked at him queerly.

"What..?? Why..??" I asked

"Your events didn't reach the number of participants so he asked to get some as no one of your event people are available right now"he said no he dictated

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