From the Beginning

Start from the beginning

"Maybe she can help me..." you said to yourself. You weren't the best with approaching people you didn't know, but you had to get to Platform 9¾.

"Excuse me." You said it a quiet, yet friendly, voice.

"Oh! Hello." The red head girl smiled. She had a very warm smile and was very pretty. The girl had green eyes that shined like emeralds and small red freckles covering spots on her face like constellations.

"Hi...can you help me get to Platform 9¾? Please," you asked in a more awkward manner.

"Of course!" The girl exclaimed, her smile growing larger. "Now, what you want to do is walk right through that barrier between platforms 9 and 10. Try your best not to be scared, unless you want to crash into a barrier." She laughed. You chuckled at her joke.. The was very friendly and comforting. "I'm Lily. Lily Evans." The girl introduced herself and took out her hand for you to shake.

"I'm (y/n). (y/n) (l/n)." You smiled,  grabbing her hand and shaking it. Lily let go of your hand, squinting her eyes as she started to fixate your face.

"I've never seen you here before and you look a little too old to be a first year..." Lily said with small suspicion.

"Oh, well I'm a transfer student from Ilvermorny," you gave her a small smile. "Hogwarts doesn't really have a transferring program so I guess I'm the first to transfer." You shrugged as you saw Lily's facial expression changed from suspicion to excitement.

"That's so interesting! You must be one of a kind." She laughed, "I'm going to head over to Platform 9¾, but I hope we can meet again and get to know each other better." Lily seemed to be very enthusiastic and positive. You didn't think she could hate anyone.

"Oh yeah, you wouldn't want to be late." You said with a kind smile, "I'll probably get there after you, but I hope we can talk to each other soon." You felt very comfortable with Hogwarts knowing at least one person there. Lily smiled and waved goodbye and you did the same.

You took a few minutes preparing yourself to take off to Platform 9¾. You made sure you had all of your books and that your supplies were safely stocked. Then, you simply walked through the barrier and you were flooded with amazement. Kids in quidditch jerseys, parents saying goodbye to their children (for it was only 7 minutes till 11). You examined the platform and saw a few older and younger students. 'A lot of people must be on the train.' You thought, 'I should probably find a place to sit.' You abroaded the train and you felt very awkward being the random new girl and having no where to sit. Most of the compartments were full and you thought about finding Lily to sit with her, but you just decided to sit in an empty compartment.

You look around a bit, looking outside the window and seeing all of the parents saying goodbye to their kids. That made you miss your family and how you weren't going to be able to see them till summer. You got lost in your thoughts but then you heard loud and intense laughter that quickly snapped you out of it. You looked at your compartment door and noticed 4 boys. One with dark hair and glasses, other with jet black hair and pretty grey eyes, another with caramel hair and scars, and then the fourth boy that was much shorter than all of them and stood behind the boy with scars.

"Mind if we sit here? All of the other compartments are full." The first boy asked.

"Not at all." You smiled and grabbed a book from a little bag you had and continued to read where you left off.

The boys sat down, across from you was the grey eyed boy, to the left of him was the one with glasses. Next to you on your right was the one with scars, next to him was the short one. As you were reading you couldn't help but noticed how silent they were. You looked up for a second just to see that they were all staring at you. The train started moving and it was quiet for about 6 minutes.

One of a Kind {Regulus Black x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now