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I could feel the presence of other people getting close to our destroyed room. “Everyone sit down and be quiet!” I said suddenly.
“Why?” Sean asked. We were all drunk and amped up from partying.
“Just do it!” I demanded. Everyone did as they were told. Like I said I amplify the powers that I have acquired. I used Ravens power to look like only the window was destroyed and that everything was perfect. As soon as I sat down Charles, Moira, and Erik walked around the corner. 

“Who shattered the glass?” Moira asked. It was difficult to concentrate especially since I had just got the power and I was drunk. Charles seemed to notice I was a bit off from the rest of them.

“Sean did!” Hank pointed to Sean.

“His name is Banshee!” Raven stated. “And you should be Professor X and Magneto” She pointed to Charles and Erik. Charles stared deep into my eyes. Finally he found what he was looking for and was able to make me lose control of my powers. The illusion that just the window was shattered disappeared. The trio saw the destroyed statue and broken chairs and the bottles of alcohol on the floor. Moira gasped, Eriks eyes darkened, and Charles shook his head.
“I expected more from you.” He directed that towards Raven but I felt more guilty. The trio then left, leaving us all quiet. I rested my head in my hands and was already getting a migraine. 


The next day we had been moved to a new room where we could hang out. Charles, Erik, and Moira went on a mission to try to find Shaw. They had left agents outside of the room so that we didn’t do anything reckless again. The agents looked through the window to us. “Oh I didn’t know the circus was in town.” One laughed.
“Come on show us the wings.” The other flapped his hands. 

“Or the feet of the ape man” The first one said. Hank got up and closed the curtain. 

“Don’t listen to them, they are just jealous,” I comforted Angel.

“I deal with people like that all day, but I prefer the way that they look at me with my clothes off then how they do now to me… us” Angel said as she leaned into me. All of a sudden we heard a loud thump. Everyone looked confused. “So it wasn’t just me who heard that?” Alex said. I shook my head. Then there was another thump and more that kept coming. After a bunch of thumps, there were gunshots. Raven shrieked. I got up to open the curtain. The two agents who had been catcalling us were shooting at something in the sky, when suddenly they were taken and their bodies dropped to the ground with a thump and some cracks. I stumbled away from the window. My hand over my mouth in shock but I couldn’t say anything. More agents came out of the building. “Stay where you are!” They yelled at us. Darwin tried his best to cover us when the window exploded.
“Stay where I am, my ass.” Darwin said as he dragged us out of the room. A red man puffed into the hallway where we were and killed more agents.
“NOPE!” I yelled and turned around to drag everyone back into the lounge room. We were huddled behind the couch when the sounds stopped. We slowly got up and looked around. A man with a helmet walked in with the red, devil looking man behind him. “Where’s the telepath?” The helmeted man asked. 

“Not here” The devil relied.

“Good, now I can take this silly thing off.” He took off his helmet. “Good evening, my name is Sebastian Shaw. And I’m not here to hurt you.” He was interrupted by a single agent who tried to save us but Azazel killed him. “Anyways, My friends, there is a revolution coming. When mankind discovers who we are, what we can do, each of us will face a choice. Be enslaved or rise up to rule. Choose freely, but know if you are not with us, then by definition, you are against us. So, you can stay and fight for the people who hate and fear you. Or you can join me, and love like kings… And Queens.” He held his hand out and Angel took it.
“Angel no!” I said to her.

“Are you kidding me?” Alex commented.

“Come on. We don’t belong here. And that's nothing to be ashamed of.” Angel said with a sad voice. Angel and Shaw began to walk away. Darwin and Alex whispered something but I was too shocked to pay attention to them. 

“Wait, I’m coming too.” Darwin walked to catch up to them.

“Wonderful! What is your power?” Shaw asked with amusement.

“Well my name is Darwin. I adapt to survive so I guess I'm coming with you.” Darwin explained. Once he got to Angel he pulled her into a hug. “ALEX NOW!” he yelled. Alex sent a ray of his energy towards Shaw. Shaw caught it and turned it into a small ball of energy. He took Darwin and shoved it down his throat. “Adapt to that!” Shaw, Angel, and Azazel all disappeared.
“Darwin.” I leapt forward and basically possessed his body. When I left his body I threw up the ball of energy and watched as it sizzled on the ground. I looked over at Darwin to make sure he was still there and he was. “Well shit.” Was all I could say before everything went black. 

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