Chapter 1

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It's been a while since I've updated this but I honestly didn't think many people would care. Updates for this fic still aren't going to be frequent, unfortunately, but now that I know people are interested, I hope I can try and update a bit more. 

Sasuke wonders, though not for the first time, how he ended up here. 

"Here" being a police station. It's been a long time since he's seen the inside of a police station, since the Konoha Police Force didn't continue after the Uchiha Massacre. It's already odd that he was back in a police station, but the dimensional/universal travel thing was really beginning to set in. 

These people are... weird, to put it simply. Their clothing is odd, not that Sasuke can really judge considering what he is wearing, and their mannerisms are just... so different. 

Still, he has to do his best not to seem out of place. 

"Name?" A tired looking police officer asks. 

"Hatake Kakashi." Sasuke says without hesitation. 

The police officer seems to accept it, if the way she hastily scribbled down the name was any indication. If she thought the name was weird, she didn't say anything about it. 


"What about them?" Sasuke replies coolly. 

She narrows her eyes and writes something down. "Age?" 


She raises an eyebrow and sets her paper down. "We're trying to help you, kid." 

"Is that so? I hadn't noticed." Sasuke snarks. He could easily get out of the police station, but these people could give him information he might not even know to look for. 

She scoffs and leaves. 

Sasuke wrinkles his nose at her unprofessionalism and stands up. He examines the entire office, committing every detail to memory. He's in Mustafu, Japan. Japan has... prefectures? It seems so, anyway. There are heroes and villains... one of which is in a cell near him. Sasuke walks over to them. 

"What do you want, kid?" They snap. 

"Are you a... villain?" Sasuke already dislikes the word. Who are they to brand someone as a villain? There could've easily been other circumstances at play that the "heroes" were unaware of. Sasuke already knows he would be considered a villain if these people were to learn about his past. 

"I prefer the term... idealist." They grin. 

"I'm sure you do." Sasuke folds his arms. 

"So, what are you in for?" They ask. 

"To hell if I know." Sasuke frowns. "I guess having dead parents is illegal here." 

"Well did you kill 'em?" 

"You must be confusing me with my brother." Sasuke drawls. 

"Y'know, you're not so bad, kid." They say. 

"I'll let you out if you help me." Sasuke offers. 

"How are you gonna get me out of here?" 

"I'm told I can be very persuasive." Sasuke smirks, flashing his sharingan. 

"Nice Quirk you got there." They chuckle lowly. "Well, what do you need help with?" 


"Damn." Sasuke and the person he'd just broken out of jail stand on the opposite side of the street from the station and watch as the police officers look around in panic. "And they really can't see us?" 

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