One: Warm Hands

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Two girls ran up the stairs quickly to the attic floor and pulled a small piece of parchment from a desk. With swift with perfect writing, one wrote a note and handed it to a Screech-owl perched on the window sill adjacent to them.

The moon outside was full and large. It was very dark in the house of the two teenage girls. One of which was very short compared to the other, her hair was so dark it reflected tones of blue in the moonlight.

"The twins, Cricket. Be back before dawn so Mrs Weasley doesn't suspect anything." she scratched the owl gently on its head and he flew out into the darkness.

    They heard a large, heavy wooden door slam, muffled by the two floors that separated them. The two girls dashed downstairs. They heard a man's heavy breathing growing nearer as they flew down the steps at immense speed. He was struggling to keep himself standing as he walked into their grand living room. The two girls quickly ran to his side and he was now leaning up against them.

    "Girls? Why aren't you in bed?" Remus said, trying to catch his breath. They walked him to a large door at the end of the hallway on the first floor.

    "You truly expect us to lie in our beds while you're in pain," the girl with dark hair said. She opened the door and moved towards the large bed in the middle of the room.

    "I expect you to be getting some type of rest," Remus was getting quite angry at the first girl. He was slowly lowered onto the bed, he groaned in pain as he sat down.

    "Mooney, you are quite mad if you think Gia can even sleep with all the racket you make on a full moon," the second girl said. Everyone in the room laughed quietly and both girls ran upstairs to their room.

    Gia was quite extraordinarily beautiful. Her long raven curly hair reached her waist.  She was fairly thin and dainty but had very defined muscles when looked at her closely. Her eyes were a light grey, almost silver, that were like a storm. Her pajamas were pristine and her hair was perfect. The air filled with lavender and vanilla every time she entered a room. Her voice was elegant and soft and she was as pale as freshly fallen snow. Her features were that of her fathers, she looked nothing of her mother.

    Her friend Alice was quite the opposite in general appearance, but still just as beautiful. Her hair was much shorter, more waves than curls. Her eyes were a perfect hazel and in the sunlight showed the hints of green freckled among her iris. Her skin was radiant and her hair was dark with sunkissed highlights. She was pristine and proper and smelt of honey and summer.


The next morning Gia pushed Alice out of her bed causing her to fall against the cold dark wooden floors. "Get up, we're eating at the Weasleys this morning, you have five minutes," she said with a serious voice while slipping out of her cream silk pajamas into jeans and blush pink spaghetti strap top.

"You do understand there are these things called alarm clocks, maybe we should invest in one," said the lighter haired girl. Her sun-kissed highlights visible making her look very opposite from her very dark-haired friend.

"Cock up, those things are worthless Alice," Gia said as she slipped on her new trainers and ran to the room next to theirs with a big sign on the door with the initials "J.R.". 

"Bloody hell Gia come in. I've already heard you since five this morning," said a voice booming from the walls.

She opened the door slightly to an older boy in sweats and no shirt revealing his athletic build. He had light brown hair with eyes to match. His hair was messy and he had scars all over his body.  She shut the door immediately and yelled through the thick wood door "Brother, we are leaving for the Weasley's in less than 3 minutes and if you don't have a shirt on by then not even Merlin can help you!" Alice snickered at her best friend's comment fully dressed beautifully in pristine clothes and a perfect hairdo.

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