Chapter 30 ∞ DAIRE

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Zeta Shea hands out tattered clothing to the naked lycans now in human form after fighting as wolves as we parade with the others toward the ceremonial burning grounds. It's surreal. Never in my imaginings of the king's death did I visualize the steps of the aftermath; the burning ceremony or what the immediate realities would be. They always concluded with the simple fact of him being gone, unable to hurt anyone again and the nebulous hope that my sire would be okay to take over.

I sense Mavis moving out of the trees toward where Reeve and I stand near the king's pyre. Her long, wild hair catches in the breeze, like a goddess who can cradle my uncle's soul and carry it into Satu's realm. It's a much more pleasant thought than the reapers who surely took what was left of him.

"Congratulations, Prince. What will you do now? Stay with your coven and help your sire rebuild?"

"Yes, for a while. The Council will need to be restored as well after we clear it of my uncle's allies."

"Yes, and perhaps you can create your own role in the world together." She smiles, eyes flitting between us. "A union between the species could help provide stability and serve as a guide in how we all might move forward harmoniously. You have a readied pack of wolves, and now a coven, to serve as peacemakers throughout Demeria. With your combined power, you can pave a new path forward. Do not be constrained by what has come before you."

There's a thoughtful silence before Reeve asks, "And what will you do now?"

"Iso and I will stay as long as our help is needed, then we will go and continue to serve Satu as we have always done."

I stare at the flames of the ceremonial lamp I'd lit and run my hand through my hair, a million thoughts pounding through my head.

"Just remember that this will all take time," she says. "You will need to be patient and know in your heart what you're working toward. There will be wolves and vampyres who will resent you and make this road difficult. They will plot and pit themselves against you no matter where you go."

"Even if we offer them peace?"

"You can't change a wolf's nature, or a vampyre's instincts. Peace doesn't mean that there won't be conflict, or that others won't have a desire to have more power or work to find a place of superiority over another. Not when there's been centuries of reinforced prejudices. But what you can do is give everyone a voice; give them the opportunity to learn from each other. Peace is the foundation, and you and Reeve will work to find peaceful resolutions to the challenges you face. There is no utopia where everyone is problem-free. But there is a better way than all of this." She holds her hands out, gesturing to the world around us. "I believe in you, and not just because you were chosen by Satu." She squeezes my shoulder and flashes a small grin. "With all my heart, I trust you. And as you make your way through this mess, every day, you will have the full support of Mt. Elant. I will give you everything I have."

"Me too."

I startle at the familiar voice, warming at my sire's approach. I look to my mother, standing proudly beside him. "Frederick never hurt you, did he?"

"No, my son." She smiles brightly and I return it.

My sire peers to where his brother lies on the pyre. I wasn't sure what to expect, but the sadness and regret pouring off of him is nearly my undoing. Familiar faces emerge from the trees, vampyres I trained with, and ate with, and joked with over the years. Though, there's one face noticeably missing.

As if sensing my thoughts, Peter comes to my side and places a comforting hand on my neck. "Where have you been?" I ask.

"Oh, now you ask, after having Mavis erect a fucking tsunami in my face so that I couldn't reach you," he replies trying to lighten the mood.

"It was the most efficient means of success with minimal casualties." I wink, reciting the words of our combat trainer.

He rubs through his hair and rolls his eyes. "I need a vacation."

The coven amasses in the sacred burning grounds as my sire lifts a torch from its stand beside the body. "I don't know how we got to this," he says privately. "It didn't have to be this way."

He drops the torch onto the pyre and steps back, taking my mother's hand and then mine.

Reeve's power feels like Omegas, their bond heightening his ability to calm a crowd. There's a hush and a stillness as his power leaks through the grounds signifying something new. Something sacred and hopeful. Something in the future that could feel like peace.

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