Chapter 12 ∞ DAIRE

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I carry up bags of food, blankets, and medicine to the sheltering wolves from the Glacier Ridge Pack. After the full moon when Reeve and I visit with the Diamond Pack, we'll hopefully be able to find them a permanent place to live there.

"Good evening, Omicron." I set the bags of goods by a pitched tent holding all of the wolves' supplies.

"Ah, Master Warder. You just missed the young alpha. He brought up dinner for everyone."

I smile in response, though it's forced and dampened. Reeve's been scarce the past two days, foregoing our regular trainings to take extra shifts on the farm and make more rounds through the pack. I don't know if it's due to what I said or his own realizations, but he's interacting with the pack differently, and I'm not the only one to notice.

"I think it was good for him to see these wolves," says Omicron Easton, shading his eyes with his hand from the sun while watching the rescued pack eating and playing in the field. "He hasn't seen what you have. He hasn't been the one to find them after such trauma and loss. He hasn't had to heal their wounds and temper their fears."

He turns to me then, an earnest smile on his cracked lips.

"I know, and I'm glad that he hasn't. I wouldn't want him to."

The elder nods and looks back to the wolves. "As is a warder's nature; to shoulder such things for their alpha, but he cannot remain so sheltered anymore."

I address the part of his comment that is most pressing—at least for me. "He's not my alpha.

"He could be."

I gather my patience and reply evenly, "I'm sorry, Omicron, but I have no intention right now of committing to anyone."

"Intentions change as life changes. We must all be amenable to adapting and accepting new possibilities. Life can be better than even our best intentions, if we let it."

"I agree, but some things just aren't meant to be."

His eyes snap to mine and he smiles as if he knows all the secrets of the universe. "They are if you want them enough."

His persistence isn't cryptic, and I understand the advantages he seeks, but he doesn't know who I really am or the decision I'm faced with: prince or warder. Coven or pack. Reeve or....

Thinking back on my last conversation with the young alpha makes me cringe. I rarely lose my temper so spectacularly. I just want him to be who I know he is. I don't know why he's been holding back, but I want to help him overcome it. I want to be here when he takes his place as lead alpha. I want to see him fully accept his power and realize how remarkable he is, how loved and respected. He doesn't seem to realize how rare it is for an alpha to have his balance of confidence, generosity, empathy, and awareness. It's practically unheard of. I've spent years studying Demeria's existing alphas in the chance that I'd commit to one; he is rare.

Turning back to my tasks for the day, I ask, "Do you need anything from Serpent Valley? I need to pick up a few supplies we're running short of."

"No, but be safe, Warder. There are vampyres about."

I smile and don't bother reminding him that I am one.

Before leaving for the valley markets, I stop in the pack library to check in with Reeve. Maybe it's an excuse to talk to him, be near him, but I don't let that stop me.

The pack library is much like Zane's office, worn wood shelving and tables, brightly colored books in pristine condition stuffed next to tattered spines of well-read editions. Framed paintings and pictures of pack history create a powerful sense of importance and purpose.

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