Chapter 25 ∞ REEVE

Start from the beginning

My body sags over him, keeping him pinned beneath me as I release his legs and settle into a peaceful, satiated calm. "I don't want to pull out of you," I say into the shell of his ear with a spent chuckle.

"Then don't," he says, eyes still closed as my heart rate slows.

"I've wanted to do that with you since we first met. Only then it was to pound the smug grin off of your face."

"Same," he mumbles with a blissed-out laugh.

I kiss his neck, pressing my mouth to a drop of sweat, savoring the taste, then I ease out of him and run a finger through the wetness dripping out of him. "We have a private place for the night just past this field on the water. Mavis said it's hardly used anymore. Want to go check it out?"

"I'd love to." I feel his smile against the side of my neck.

"Good. I had to go to the Diamond Pack before coming here and I'm exhausted."

"Why'd you have to go there? Nothing happened to Nivi—"

"No, but I do have something to tell you." I press my mouth to his again then stand and help him up.

Our night's lodging is a tiny, one-room structure with three white-washed stone walls with open windows, the fourth is open air, filling the space with a breeze and unequaled views of moonlit blue waves as far as I can see. "What do they use this for? It's not like they really have guests," I say.

There's a makeshift bed in the center and a wall of empty hooks and shelves. That's it.

"It was an old boathouse. I've never been in it, though. There are several little places like this around their property, some more hidden than others. My time here has only given me more questions about them instead of answers."

We're both still naked, not bothering to redress since I was told there are only three priestesses left on the island and they'd all be at the castle for the night.

Daire tucks up behind me, the heat of his skin molding to my back and his arms wrapping around my middle. He drops his chin to my shoulder and sighs, contented for perhaps the first time since I've met him. "Thank you for doing this."

I lean into his hold and cover his arms with my own. "I didn't think there was any way you could've survived that fall."

"I probably wouldn't have without Mavis."

"You dove for him anyway."

"He dropped Matt," he replies as if there's no need to say more. "Mavis said he's okay. Is that true?"

I squeeze his arms more tightly. "Physically, though the mental trauma is going to take some time to heal."

"And Peter?"

Something about staring at the expanse of the blue-black sea allows me to recall the whole scene with detachment. "He took care of Lars, but he thought you were gone, Daire. There were definitely moments when we all did."

I loosen my grip and pull the vampyre around to face me. My hands run through the sides of his hair. I keep him close enough that I can feel his breath on my mouth, then I tease his lips with mine; small, light touches. He deepens the kiss, slipping his tongue to mine and taking my wrists to slowly guide me to the bed. He doesn't waste time; my arms spread above me as he kisses my shoulder, my chest, then lower, wandering my body with his mouth. Each press of his lips hitting as fatally as a bullet to the heart.

"Daire..." I'm dazed, head lolling against the cool sheets.

His hands run over my skin, first exploring then laying claim to each inch. I draw him up so that I can kiss him, see him, needing him in my face.

"I will remember this for the rest of my life," he says into my shoulder before he licks away his words.

"Me too."

Gold lights his hazel eyes making them glisten in the dim glow of moonlight, and I understand why others have killed for this feeling, died for it, torn apart worlds for it. This force that's deadlier and more addictive than any of the goddess' nectars.

He brushes hair from my forehead and drops his head down to my cheek. "I want to drink from you...want your blood inside me."

I expose my throat and he shakes his head. "Not there."

Confused, I watch as Daire licks his way down my body until digging his tongue into the crease of my thigh and his breathing thickens in anticipation. I look down at him, memorizing his expression as he sinks his teeth into my flesh and sucks, drawing a wrecked growl-turned-moan from my throat. My dick hardens even more, and he reaches one hand to stroke it as he takes long draws from me, worshipping every part of me within reach.

I buck upward, spewing a tantrum of indecipherable words before my voice piques on a cry so high, it cracks. That's when he fits his mouth over my cock and swallows, filling him with my seed, blending with my blood still caught on his tongue.

He finishes with tender licks and I reach down and angle his face up to look at me. His eyes scream things I want to beg him to say out loud. "What are you thinking, Daire?"

He flashes a grin. "That I'm still not sure this isn't a dream."

I smirk and lift his hand to kiss his fingers. "As long as we're both here, does it matter?"

He drops his forehead to my stomach. "No."

He crawls over me and I wrap him in my arms, rolling us onto our sides to face each other and I place a hand on his neck over his warder chain. I'm on an edge, just waiting to crack and shatter into a million unfixable pieces. I choke back a howl, a piercing heartache at the thought of losing him.

"What was it that you had to tell me about Nivi?" he asks.

My smile must be megawatt by the surprise on his face. "He's named both of us as his successors."

"What?" He lifts on an elbow to hover over me, brows furrowed. "How is that possible?"

"There's no law against it and Mother Renault was there to witness and provide her support."

"So that makes me..."

"Head of a pack with me." I leave it hanging, letting him take that thread as far as he wants.

He rolls to his back laughing. "My uncle is going to be livid when he hears."

I shrug. "He won't matter for much longer." 

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