Chapter 15 ∞ REEVE

Depuis le début

We take blind steps; his back pressed to the wall, quickening his strokes. He's as hard as I am as he removes his grip then grinds against me, fisting my hair to keep us locked firmly together.

I'm already close. So close to tipping over the peak into bliss. I tear away from his kiss and stick my nose into the crook of his neck for a deep inhale of his scent—a scent that makes me rock hard. "I want you," I say in a voice that sounds thoroughly fucked out.

"You can have anything you want, Reeve."

My mind blanks out at the offer and I pull myself from my pants in time to shoot onto his shirt. Reality flashes back with heavy hits of sensations: overwhelming pleasure, the sound of Lake Migan's waves, the slight chill in the air, distant voices on the pack trails. Daire is still hard, desperately clambering for release. I step away, putting inches between us. My grin is too full of pleasure to be taunting.

I nod toward his bulged pants then to the lake.

His grin is sharp, sexual, the tempting grin of a vampyre out for blood. He tugs his pants down and pulls himself out. "Get on your knees."

I'm there with my mouth on his cock before my next blink, moaning and sucking for less than a minute before he sprays his seed over my tongue.

"Reeve," he pants, licking over his well-used lips. He eyes the wet spot on his shirt and the tangled mess of my hair with a deep laugh. "We need to clean up so we can go meet Nivi. He'll be waiting for us."

Daire's fingers run through my hair as I lean into his crotch and smell him, pressing small kisses to his balls and in the crease of his thigh. "It's been less than a day," I whisper, "and I think you've already ruined me for anyone else."

"It's new," he says as if giving me an excuse, but I shake my head.

"It's more than that, isn't it?" I say but don't look up, I can't yet, not with so many feelings racing to be heard, felt, and understood.


And that's all I need to hear, confirmation that I'm not wading into these depths alone. I'm so tired of having to navigate things on my own. I just want someone with me for once.

We find Kassel on the main trail in front of Nivi's pack home. The delta guides us up the steps of the house and we enter past a rho who jingles a bell while holding open the door for us with her head lowered in respectful submission. We're brought to a formal sitting room with minimal furnishings, distressed side tables and a coffee table, and two deep sofas in a matching woven print set against opposing walls. We remain standing until the alpha enters, and I struggle to make sense of the male in front of us. Alpha Nivi is the oldest wolf I've ever seen, with deep-creased, age-spotted skin over a frail frame. He stands tall in his human form, eyes milky and unseeing as he faces the direction of our scents in his modest pack home.

He sniffs into the air toward us and moves his jaws as if luxuriating in a fine drink. "You are young, Alpha, but your power is unmistakable." He sniffs deeper, his bluish lips hinting at a smile. "And quite a powerful vampyre you've brought with you. Our wolves can certainly keep you busy during your stay, Master Warder." His smile is grim as he adds, "We surely have more in need of your care than not."

The elder claps his hands and takes a seat on the couch opposite us and motions for us to do the same. "We are honored to have you both. It has been many years since we've hosted such impressive visitors. Anything you need, let Delta Kassel know. Master Warder, you may have free use of our clinic. Since our omicron was taken by Satu's reapers, we have been left without proper care."

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