Chapter 11 ∞ REEVE

Start from the beginning

He stares at me with a wide smile. "I've never been so proud to be knocked on my ass."

Matt leaps up next to me, grinning down at Daire. "That was awesome."

I help the warder up, trying to contain my grin to normal proportions at seeing him again and getting the better of him.

"What are you three doing outside the clinic? None of you are hurt, are you?"

"No, just keeping our young alpha company," Marcus says then claps Matt on the back. "Come on, Mattie, I'll let you buy me an ale at the pack hall."

"Sounds like a lose-lose for me," Matt grumbles, then sighs, and follows my cousin toward the trail to the hall.

"So," Daire says, "were you here waiting for me?" His voice is teasing, but the truth is, I was.

"You wish."

"Did you miss me, Reeve?"

"Hardly. You're the one obsessed with me."

He doesn't answer as he comes in close, chest to chest, face open with affection. It's a new look, one that's morphed since we first started training from amused interest to this, this twist of something deeper.

"Where are the wolves? Are they okay?" I ask, so I don't do something stupid like kiss him.

Daire motions for me to follow him inside the clinic so he can drop his weapons bag. "Omicron Easton, Delta Banks, and his team are staying with them in the northern field until the full moon in a few days, then I'll go and stay with them while you all shift."

"None of them were hurt during the attack, were they?"

"No, but I'm going to make the standard medicines for aches, pains, and nerves to take to them just in case." He washes his hands and begins pulling out small jars of herbs and tonics. "Tell me about where your father is sending us—the Diamond Pack and Alpha Nivi."

I take a seat at his work table. "I don't know much about them. Their pack is high in the mountains, a few days hike from here. Alpha Nivi is an elder. He was an elder even when I was a pup, so it's kind of amazing he's still lead alpha."

"Maybe he has insane power like you. Someday some other young, eager ace is going to say the same thing about Alpha Reeve Rimeara."

I throw a bundle of herbs at him, which he easily catches and sets beside him. "Are you calling me a young badass?" I ask.

"Your power is definitely growing, even I feel affected by it. And the skills you showed just now outside..."


He flashes me a humored grin then throws the same bundle of herbs back at me. "Stop fishing for compliments. Your head is big enough."

Thunder shudders the skies and heavy rain pelts the roof and pings against the windows. The air through the screened door reminds me of Daire's scent—mountain rain.

"Sounds like we made it inside just in time."

"You don't like being out in the rain?" I ask.

He shrugs with his back to me, grinding something with a mortar and pestle.

"Come here," I say and wait for him to acknowledge me. "Please."

He sets aside his work, regarding me with his standard amused interest and curiosity. It only takes a second for him to follow, and it pleases something deep inside me, like we're about to leap over a mighty canyon together.

"Where are you taking me, Young Alpha?"

I tug on his hand. "Into the rain."

His charming, dimpled grin—the one that haunts me—widens, and he steps forward as I step backward, captivated. Trust.

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