11 - Double Happiness

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Next morning, the first person who woke up was Yoongi. He prepared Jungkook things first since he fell asleep again after waking up at 5am and that's made Yoongi wide awake until now.

At the same time, he also prepared breakfast for them.

Time Skip

It's been 1 hours since Yoongi finished cooking and now Jungkook is awake. He took Jungkook to bath and after that feed him his food.

As he sits alone at the dining table while feeding up Jungkook, Jimin, Hoseok and Jin come out from their room.

Jimin: You wake up early hyung.

Yoongi: Ne.. wash up. I've prepared the breakfast

Hoseok: You did hyung?

Yoongi: Ne..

Time Skip

After all done getting breakfast, Jungkook is with Hoseok and Jin in the living room while Jimin cleaning up the kitchen but then being stop from Yoongi

Yoongi: Go preparing your stuff Jimin. I'll take care of this

Jimin: No hyung. You already make us breakfast how..

Yoongi: It's fine Jimin. I'm late and didn't help much last night so it's okay.. go preparing yourself. It's your wedding day. Kha..

Jimin: N-ne... gomawo hyung.

Yoongi only smiled at him.

It's just 2 more hours for Jimin and Taehyung's wedding. Everyone slowly gets ready to become a handsome man while Yoongi still didn't do anything since he's needed to pack up Jungkook stuff to be brought along.

Hoseok: Hyung? Yoongi hyung? Are you done?

Yoongi: Ne? Uhmm.. no, not yet. I need to take a look for Jungkook stuff first.

Hoseok: Ah.. mata.. Did Jungkook already change his clothes?

Yoongi: Ah.. mata. No.. not yet. Cho... can you help me then. I'm worried I can't..

Hosoek: Roger hyung..

As Hoseok to grab Jungkook, suddenly his boyfriend call him

Namjoon: Hope-ah!

Hoseok: Ne?

Namjoon: Can you help me wearing this... I.. I .. molla

Hoseok: Haih.. chincha.. but I need to change...

Jin: It's okay. I can do that.

Hoseok: Oh! Okay hyung..

Jin: Kundae.. his clothes?

Hoseok: Mata. Yoongi hyung? Jungkook clothes?

Yoongi: Ah.. here on the bed.

Hoseok: At the room hyung.

Jin: Ah.. okay.

Then Jin bring Jungkook to Yoongi's room

Yoongi who just finished packing Jungkook stuff and was about to prepare himself get startled when Jin appear on the room

Yoongi: Uh?

Jin: Where is his clothes?

Yoongi: Ne? Ah.. here on the bed. But.. it's okay, I'm done let me change him.

Jin: It's okay. I can do that. You can prepare yourself.

Yoongi didn't want to argue much so he just left both of them in the room.

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