I see a closet and quickly walk over to it. "Give me a minute." I quickly hit Aiden's contact. After a couple rings and me shaking he answers.

"Hey, Ax, how's the trip-"

"It's Adeline." There was a pause.

"Why are you calling me on Axel's phone?" He sounded worried.

"Mine's dead and Cole said you'd understand," I say. Another pause.


"I know, Aiden, and I know you do too!" I say.

"Right." I hear some shuffling and a second later a door closing. "What did Cole tell you?" He asks.

"He just told me to tell you that he smelled something and then he ran off. He took me out into the woods to explain and then on the way back he just started acting weird. He was all hurried and he seemed a little nervous. He told me to get Axel, Kayla, and Taylor and bring them to the main building," I explain.

"Alright, Adeline, listen to me," he says. I nod, even though he couldn't see me.


"Lock the doors and stay hidden from sight."

"Aiden, what's going on?"

"Did he tell you about rogues?" He asks. I swallow.

"Yeah..." I was on the verge of a fucking breakdown.

"He smelled one. Rogues have a very specific smell. It changes as soon as you leave your pack. Or even if you're born rogue. I need to call his dad, but do what I told you, alright?" He says.

"Yeah, okay," I say. He hangs up and I rush out of the closet. I lock the main door. They were all staring at me. The building was dark and abandoned at this time of night.

"Addie!" Kayla tries to get my attention.

"Sit under a window!" I say.


"Now! And be quiet!" I snap. There was no way it was an Alpha blood thing having hearing like that. What the hell am I thinking? Oh my God, what is my life? I started putting the shades for the windows down and Axel did the same without me asking. He had no idea what was going on but he knew it wasn't good.

Once all the shades were down and the doors were locked, Axel and I sit beside the girls. Kayla holds onto Axel's arm, clearly scared.

"Addie, what's going on?" Taylor asks in a whisper.

"I'm not entirely sure myself. But just try and stay quiet," I say, handing the phone back to Axel. They nod, all of us leaning against the wall under a window. I was breathless and closed my eyes. The one time I actually wanted to get into Cole's head it didn't work.

I tried clearing my head and just focusing on him. That had to work. It needed to. Intentions. I know there is more to it than that, but I try taking down every wall in my mind.

"Talk to me," I pleaded. I heard my own voice in my head, and I knew something went right. A few moments went by and my breathing had finally calmed.

"I'm okay." I sigh, chuckling softly.

"Thank God," I say back. Again there was a pause but it wasn't nearly as long.

"I think you like me now," he says. I can hear the tease in his voice. I let out a small breathy laugh and I knew my friends were looking at me.

"Maybe," I say.

"I need some time. Is everyone okay?" He asks. I look over at them, and they were staring at me as if I was insane.

"Yeah, we're fine."

"Is Quinn there?" I was a little confused but I tried not to show it on my face.

"Where's Quinn?" I ask. Kayla shifts a little. Axel had her wrapped in his arms.

"She took off a little before you got back."

"She was busy flirting with Axel. But then she like snapped her head towards the woods and ran off," Taylor adds. My eyes widen a little.

"She ran off before we even got back."

"She probably smelled it too."

"She's like you?" I was met with a pause and I freaked out a little.

"Yeah. I just found her. She's fine. I'll find you soon."

I could physically feel him disconnecting from me. My throat tightened and I rested my head on the wall. I tensed up again. I didn't like this. Not one bit. They stared at me.


"I can't explain," I say before Kayla can finish. Her eyes widen as she stares at me.

"He told you," Taylor says and I look at her.

"Not now, Tay," I say. She shakes her head.

"No, we've waited nearly four years for this!" She says, pretty loudly. I hear a growl outside the window and cover her mouth as she opens it again. I glare at her, carefully taking my hand away from her mouth. There was no way that growl came from Cole. He wouldn't do that.

There was a crash on the other side of the room, and I look over to see a window broken and a wolf. It wasn't Cole. It was a little smaller and it had grey fur. Even in the dim lighting I could see that. Kayla screams as the glass breaks. I stand up.

"Up. Now!" I say. I rush to the door, Axel pulling the girls who were equally as shocked as him. There had to be more wolves in our grade. If there was a whole pack of them in our town, or state. Or fucking country. There had to be. And they had to be hearing this.

I throw the door open, pulling them with me.

"Cole!" I probably sounded terrified.

"Where are you?" I could hear the anger in his voice.

"Main building. It's in there!" I look back, noticing the wolf running after us. Axel pushes them ahead of me and I intentionally slow down. It would go for the easier prey. I'm sure I read that somewhere. And I only hoped it applied here too. Besides, it wouldn't go into a camp full of campers. Wild animal or not, that's just dumb.

I pointed down the path. "Go!" I say. I start towards the woods while they head towards the other sections.

"Addie!" I hear Axel yell. But I notice Taylor pulling them along. I knew she cared. But she cared about them more. And if I were her, I'd want to save more of my friends than lose them all. I notice the wolf getting closer to me and force my feet to go a little faster.

Once I made it past our section, into the woods, I heard it growl behind me. I kept running until I tripped over my own feet. I fell, and scrambled to get up but a paw landed on my leg. I cried out, my leg was pinned to the ground under its weight. I attempted to pry it away, but it's claw sunk into my leg. I screamed, feeling it's wide claw creating a hole in my leg. It ripped it out as if it enjoyed making me hurt. I had to remind myself that it might. Because 'it' was a person.

It slammed its paw back down, further up my leg on my thigh. It yet again dug its claw into my skin. Yet somehow I refused to let tears leave my eyes. I hated when people saw me cry. And this wasn't different. I managed to crawl away a little bit before it did the same thing to my other leg. I let out a frustrated scream, mixed with a pained scream.

A second later the wolf was ripped off me and my arms gave out, letting me fall onto the ground. I looked over, my eyes finally blurring. It was hard, seeing as the cuts were on the back of my legs, and I was on my stomach. It was nearly impossible to get myself to look over. I saw the wolf that attacked me manage to get away from the other one. I try to pick myself up but wince and groan. I fell back down to the ground.

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