24: Claw

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I wasn't surprised when I heard Sophie's revelation, I was curious on how this relationship came about. Sophie had a lot of explaining to do. But in that moment all I cared about was having Amira safely in my arms. I let go of Amira once Ky came wanted to embrace her in a hug. Meanwhile, I continued listening in on Sophie and Savannah's conversation. Savannah still was in shock, for the first time since I've met her, she was speechless.

Savannah finally found her voice. "What did they do to him that he's not healing?"

"They made him drink blood from an already dead creature." Sophie sighed. "It induces temporary deathlike state for Vampires."

My ears perked up when I heard. That was one information about Vampires I did not know.

"What can we do?" Savannah asked.

Before Sophie could answer, my father spoke. "Let's get everyone safely out of here."

I helped the Vamp to his feet and held him over my shoulder as he stayed unconscious. "We can help him at the palace."

When we made it to the palace, the Sirena went to their tents to rest for the night. My mother went to get the maids to set up a room for our new guests. My father and some of his guards went to deal with Cairo down in the dungeon. I was going to go down in the morning to have a few words with him.

I placed the unconscious Vamp on the couch in the family room. Sophie quickly sat next to him, stroking his head while everyone else just stood staring at them, not knowing what to say.

I put my hands on my waist and took a deep breath before I finally spoke. "Tell us Sophie, how do we help um..."

"Seth," Sophie said before she looked up at me. "He needs fresh blood to help eliminate the dead blood."

"Any volunteers?" I asked aloud.

Everyone stood quiet and before I could volunteer myself until Ky spoke. "Not just any blood will help."

We all turned to looked at Ky who had been quiet.

"What do you mean?" Savannah asked.

"He needs a specific creature's blood." Ky looked at Jade. "Blood that Vampires have always sought out."

"No way!" Devin argued as he saw Ky staring at Jade. "I am not putting Jade in danger."

"The girl attack in the cub is alive?" Amira whispered only for me to hear.

I nodded. "I'll explain later," reminding me that I had to tell her what happened during the one day she was held captive.

"It's okay Devin, I'll do it." Jade said as she grabbed his hands. "I could see how broken she is over his current state. Don't you remember how it felt to lose me."

Devin grabbed Jade's face and stared into her eyes, "Yes...And that's why I don't want you doing this." Devin's voice was soft and full of sorrow.

Jade smiled at Devin and grabbed his wrists, "You're all here to protect me this time."

Devin dropped his hands and his head as he didn't like this idea. Jade started moving towards Sophie and Seth.

"Don't worry, Seth is not like other Vampires. He can control himself." Sophie said softly, to reassure Jade of her decision.

I walked over to help sit up Seth and then Jade sat right next to him. I moved away and Sophie told Jade to use her arm and put it in front of Seth's nose. Seth's nose started to wiggle, sniffing and sensing Siren blood. Seth's mouth opened and his fangs grew out, until finally he plunged his fangs into Jade's wrist.

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