"It seems cat's got your tongue, Lucas. Where did that annoying ass attitude of yours go? It seems that girl was real important to you, wasn't she?" Taking a few steps away from Elliot, Skye came closer to Lucas, looking up a bit at him due to the height difference between them as she continued. "It sure is a shame you tried pulling a fast one on your boss though. She didn't seem too keen on your disloyalty to her organization from what I could tell. Then again...I can't really guarantee what I saw was Lilly. It was too...how should I say...messy."

"M-messy...?" Lucas barely managed to get out with a slight stutter in his speech. The pieces started to get pieced together in his mind, realizing what Skye was insinuating. He felt his heart sink in realization, a wrenching pain in his chest that made it feel like it was hard to breathe. "No...She..." Lucas mumbled, almost seeming out of it for a few moments before bringing himself back to reality.

In one quick moment, he seemed to shift the grim imagery that Skye had subtly put in his mind to disbelief. In one fluid motion, his hands reached out and grabbed her shirt collar, dragging her closer to him. "What the fuck are you talking about?! Lilly is fine! She's-"

"What?! At home? If you really think your boss would put your treachery aside and simply forgive you if you got this information you're fucking delusional. Be god damn realistic. She isn't one who's exactly forgiving, dumbass! And get the fuck off me!" Skye snapped, her hands quickly pulling out of her pockets and grabbing his wrists, yanking his hands off her. "If you don't believe me, go figure it out yourself! If you had to ask me though, I'd suggest you start looking into funerals for her, buddy."

Skye glanced back to Elliot's figure in the darkness before looking back to Lucas, seeing the look of defeat that had taken over his features as he processed everything he had been told. "Here's how this is going to go. Elliot and I are going to go back to our offices. If you don't believe me, go home and see for yourself if you think I'm lying. Either way.." She paused, moving to where Lucas had previously dropped the gun. Picking up the now somewhat cold, metal pistol and putting the safety back on, Skye looked back towards him before continuing. "You won't be returning back to work under Ivo. And if you try and fuck with my job in the future, or ever dare try to threaten me again, I can assure you it will be the last time you try to do something so idiotic again."

With her lecture to Lucas over, she turned her back towards him and walked back to Elliot. "Oh, one more thing, Mr. Hill," Skye spoke up so he could hear her over the distance that she put between them. Looking over her shoulder, she looked behind herself and towards him, saying, "Next time you meet a shifter, treat them with some fucking respect. If you keep thinking that we can't do shit because people like you don't like us, I can assure you that they'll make you regret that train of thought."

Returning her focus once again to what was in front of her, she walked back to Elliot who was astounded at what had just taken place, even his eyes a little wide from what Skye had told Lucas.

"Is that girl, Lilly, is she really...?" He whispered to her, glancing over back towards Lucas who seemed appalled and in complete shock, still trying to process all the information he was just told. It was as if he had shut down from what she told him.

Putting an arm under his shoulder and behind Elliot's back to support him once again, Skye shrugged a bit as she helped him get to moving back to the car they carpooled in. "Most likely? She's probably fine. I had to make it believable though, now didn't I? Based on what I know about her  though...It could very well be true. Guess he'll have to figure that out for himself."

The two of them made it back to their car, with Elliot struggling not to stumble on the way and Skye helping him keep up. "Alright, I think I'll take over driving since you're not in any condition to even walk. We have a while to drive to get back to the offices. I need you to update Ivo when you're feeling better. Think you got it?" She asked, unlocking the car with a small beep in response from the car. She opened the somewhat cold door and held it open as Elliot shuffled into the passenger seat.

"Yeah, I can do that. It may be a bit before I can update him though. However, I should be able to before Damian gets to the offices to collect his pay." He said before reaching out and grabbing the door's handle, pulling it shut.

With Skye moving to the driver's side, she got in next to Elliot with a soft sigh of relief that everything was finally behind them and they could move on. The mission went, for the most part, well enough. "That'll be perfect," Skye stated, looking over towards him for a second before pulling the keys out once again and putting them into the ignition. With just a slight turn, the car roared to life, the headlights turning on and illuminating a bit of the street in front of them. "Let's get back to the office."


I'm so sorry this chapter's a little late! I finally got it finished though! I wanted to once again thank everyone who's read my book so far because I wasn't expecting over 200 reads in the first week! I wanted to showcase Skye's capabilities with her job a little bit, and I hope you all enjoyed the second chapter! Any votes and comments are greatly appreciated and loved, and if you want to read more of my story consider following me or adding my story to your library or reading list!

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