"Please give her a chance. A week, that is all I can ask of you. Allow her to stay in our care for seven days and seven nights. And on the eighth day, if you decide you would still like to give her away, I will deliver her myself. I promise. But please, give Senna a chance. She is an innocent pup, she didn't choose to have Johnathan as a father. Nor did she choose to have you as a mother. Johnathan is a piece of shit and will never be in Senna's life. You, however, have the option to stay in her life. To prove to her that she isn't an abomination just because of who her father is. Prove to her that she can be loved by you. Prove to her that you do care and that you will never see her as anyone but herself. She is not defined by the actions of her parents. Now please, all I ask of you is this one week to make your final decision. That is all I will ever ask of you regarding Senna."

Ambrose looks down at the little pup, noticing that her gaze was already trained on him. Her deep blue, owlish eyes blinking up at him. She looked so much like Johnathan. Her eye color, hair, nose... but now he could see bits of himself in her.

And by Goddess, Ambrose didn't want to admit it, but Magnus was right. Senna was an innocent child who didn't choose to have parents as unfit as Ambrose and Johnathan. She was only the byproduct of an unfortunate series of events. The least he could do was give her a chance. A week. If not for Senna, but Magnus.

"One week," Ambrose confirms, making Magnus's face brighten. A wide smile spreads across his face, making his eyes crinkle at the corners. "After that, I will make my final decision."

"Thank you, Ambrose! Goddess, you won't regret this!"

Then, Magnus's lips were on Ambrose's, kissing him with so much love and tenderness that it made his heart thrum in his chest. Magnus tugs both Senna and Ambrose closer to his body, basking in his glowing happiness.

"My love, my sweet Rose... thank you."

Ambrose sighs softly, wringing his hands in his lap. It was only one week. One week. He couldn't help but feel uncomfortable around the pup, avoiding making contact with her skin altogether. But Magnus only furthers his discomfort, sliding Senna into his arms.

Ambrose tenses, his eyes wide as Senna nuzzles closer to his chest, sniffing at him. He resists the urge to move backward, arching away from the pup. He shook with the effort, heart pounding in his ears the more Senna pressed into him.

"Perhaps she is hungry," Magnus says, stroking the back of Senna's head. "If you can still produce milk we can have you feed her instead of the nurses. May I?"

Ambrose nods, looking away as Magnus lowers his robes for him. Senna is quick to latch onto his chest, making him hiss in pain.

Ambrose had no will to keep this pup for himself. He knew that for whatever reason, Magnus had become attached to Senna quickly. Magnus promised him that if he didn't want the pup, she would be rehomed. Things would go back to normal.


He couldn't help but feel angry. Cornered. Trapped into making a decision he truly did not want to make.

He'd only just found out the identity of his mate. Only for all of his love and attention to be stolen by the newborn. If he kept Senna, he would only feel jealousy. He feared that she would steal Magnus away from him even further than she already had.

But if he chooses to give her away, Magnus will be overcome with grief. Even if he said he would stand by Ambrose's decision, he would feel a great sadness being without the pup. Magnus would be heartbroken without the pup.

Which option to choose, Ambrose didn't have a clue. What he did know was that he wished Senna had never been conceived that night. If she hadn't been born, he wouldn't have to go through so much pain and suffering. Every time he looked at Senna he felt as if Johnathan was staring back at him. It was all too much.

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