"You guys didn't tell me she's a famous stylist" Nazli was unaware of Fatos's profession. When they talked, all she told her was she was an editor of a magazine. There was no mention of fashion.

When Nazli realised she didn't have something nice to wear to the party on Sunday, she asked Fatos to meet her after office to go shopping. She was aware of few places where she would get clothes but wanted company to help her pick.

"Ah did she not tell you?" Engin thought they would have talked about it and hence the shopping trip.

"I can't believe it. I must have looked like a fool" Nazli explained Engin how there were a few Turkish girls in a shop fawning over Fatos and she had to google to find out who she was.

"Imagine me taking her out shopping back home, it's crazy." Engin replied.

"Stop it you too... I'm not a celebrity or anything, just known to few people who follow my work." Fatos tried to calm them.

"Google doesn't think so. Besides, you have a blue tick so you're technically a celebrity" Engin teased her.

"I know who to reach out to for shopping now. I don't care how busy you are, you'll help me with the reception outfit when I come to Istanbul." Nazli almost ordered Fatos.

"It's my duty as your sis-in-law." Fatos obliged. Fatos didn't have any siblings but she considered Ferit her brother ever since she met Engin. They found each other because of Ferit. She might be the editor of a reputed fashion magazine now, but she was a girl from a small town once. It took lot of hard work and courage to reach where she was now and meeting Engin was the best part of her journey. Ferit welcomed her into their group when she felt lost and out of place, so she always cared for him.

"Fashion and finance... how did you guys even meet? Ferit told me yours was love marriage as well but I thought you were batchmates" Nazli assumed as both knew Ferit.

"Now that's an interesting story." Engin lit up as he recalled how they met.

"I was actually flying from Ankara to Istanbul on my first ever assignment. You wouldn't believe it was my first flight experience as well and guess who was next to me" Fatos looked at Nazli in askance.

"Engin" Nazli assumed it must have been Engin.

"No it was your dear husband Ferit" Engin responded.

"Yes, I kept asking him random questions to divert my mind as it was my first time. Initially he gave me a weird look but then sensed my nervousness. He responded and we started to talk properly. I told him it was my first time in Istanbul. He gave me Engin's number in case I needed any help as he was leaving again in 2 days. Destiny had its way, I did need some help and reached out to Engin. Rest is history." Fatos smiled looking at Engin.

"We met because of him but more than that he supported us through our journey." Engin might fool around him but he would always cherish Ferit for what he did and does.

"Beware Nazli, he is the third wheel of your relationship" Fatos joked knowing their friendship.

"I did realise that long back." Nazli recollected how Ferit never avoided his call.

"We better go to sleep. Don't you need to go to office tomorrow." Engin pointed to the clock.

"Nope I'm working from home. However, I might leave around 6pm so take the key if you're heading somewhere." She gave a secret smile to Fatos who understood.


"I'm waiting for my bags Nazli" He called her and answered unable to comprehend why she was texting him every 10 min to know where he was.

As he headed towards exit, he saw a familiar face in the crowd and cut the call.

"What are you doing here?" He said as he hugged her.

"To pick you up obviously. I couldn't wait till you get home." Nazli replied.

"Thanks... I was kind of hoping you were here" He said as they headed towards parking.

Once they settled in the car,

"No more trips. I'm not going anywhere at least for a month or so." He declared knowing his work would not allow more than that.

"Really? No honeymoon for a month then" Nazli joked.

"Probably longer as you haven't decided on a place yet." He was not amused.

"I can relax once this new project kicks off. We'll plan something then." Nazli assured him.

"Hmm... how are Engin and Fatos?" Ferit asked her. Rest of the journey Nazli filled him up on what happened in his absence.

Nazli made tea while Ferit went to freshen up. As he came out, he saw the table laid out with tea, cake and cookies.

"Wow was it 2 days or a week that I was away?" He asked surprised at the welcome he was receiving.

"I got Fatos addicted to Bake off as well, so she baked some cookies while I did the cake." She smiled.

"Where are they?" He asked as he settled himself in a chair next to her, snatching the cookie she had been munching on.

Before she could scold him, they heard the door open. Engin and Fatos were happy to see Ferit.

"Just in time for tea" Nazli said as she got up to get more cups.

Once Ferit and Engin discussed the trip details, Engin turned to Nazli and said

"Are you ready for the madness on Sunday, Nazli? He asked her as it was going to be the first time Ferit would bring a plus one.

"I was thinking... " Ferit said before Nazli could respond.

Noticing their attention on him, Ferit continued...

"Let's have a small party here tomorrow. I mean we can break the wedding news so it is not a total shocker. Nazli you can invite your friends as well."

"Not a bad idea" Fatos chimed in and everyone turned their attention to Nazli.

"Fine... let's do it then... I'll call and check if they're available..." She went to her room to get her mobile. Ferit followed her.

"Sorry I thought it would be comfortable here than at the party" He kissed her on cheek.

"I don't mind, just not sure if the girls are free or not as it's such a short notice" She said texting in her girl's group whether they'd come around for dinner tomorrow.

Before anyone could reply, she texted 'He's here as well' knowing that might bring out the correct response.

"I didn't know you had a girl gang here" Ferit questioned her since she never mentioned anyone or saw her talking to them.

"Just 3 of them. 1 married, 1 travelling and the other just relocated here after moving to US for a while. We shared an apartment during university but post that everyone had their own things to do." She told him they met once every 3-4 months if they could all make it.

Her mobile buzzed and she told him, "They're coming.

As she was ready to leave, he pinned her against the wall.

"I missed you" She whispered into his ear.

"Well, admit it then" He kissed her.

"Ferit, we need to make a list for party and go shopping for groceries" She reminded him as she heard a noise in the kitchen.


This one's for Fatos as a designer :) Intent behind this story is to keep it stress free and capture those simple moments... I wasn't expecting so much love on this... So, thank you for the votes and support...

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