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Nazli was busy texting Asuman when Deniz came and sat beside her.

"Hey Nazli... what did you get?" He said while pulling her lunchbox. It was usual for them to swap lunch. Nazli would eat his canteen lunch and he would take her box.

"Ah pasta... great!!" He said while digging in.

"Deniz what's this garbage?" She asked looking at the plate he got. He just dumped whatever he found on his plate.

"It's food Nazli... I'm sure you can find something to eat in it" He said busy eating from her box.

"I've been thinking about it for a long time... I think I need to set up Ferit on a date. You know he's always busy, it's about time he finds someone." He said deeply engrossed in thought.

Nazli looked at him in shock. She did not know what to say.

"I think I'm on the right track. Can't wait for my concert." A smile formed on his face and he looked at her. Nazli just sat there wondering what Deniz was upto. She would probably need to warn Ferit but work kept them both busy.

Next 2 days passed in a jiffy as Nazli was busy with her work due to new responsibilities and Deniz kept Ferit busy.

It was Saturday morning and Nazli woke up to a very familiar aroma. She made her way to the kitchen to see Ferit transferring menemen into a bowl from pan.

"Brush your teeth first Nazli" He said when he saw her reaching for a spoon.

She took a spoonful and closed her eyes as she relished it. As she tried to reach for another spoonful, Ferit hid it from her.

"Get ready first." He reprimanded her.

"Ferit I want it now" She was adamant.

"Aren't we getting late? The train leaves in an hour Nazli and it takes 15 min to get there. Get ready quick" He put the bowl on the table and pushed her to her room.


"You look very pretty Nazli" He said as they settled in the first-class carriage that was empty.

"You don't look too bad yourself... you should let me buy more stuff for you" She said adjusting his jacket collar.

He noticed she was wearing the earrings he got for her and traced her ear with his finger.

"Stop it Ferit." She pushed his hand off her ear and held his hand in hers tight to stop him from doing anything.

"What's with you today?" She said as she noticed him busy staring at her.

"I don't know, I just feel so lucky to be with you" He said.

"There's something fishy. What is it?" She asked knowing he was just buttering her up.

"Zeynep knows. I mean she was trying to picture Deniz and you together, but I think that was just to rile me up. Bulut heard your name when I was talking to you and asked if it was the Nazli he knew." He smiled as he recalled his conversation with Bulut when he asked if Nazli would be his aunt soon.

"Can you enlighten me what she knows?" Nazli raised an eyebrow to tease him. He naturally fit into her life as if he was the missing piece of puzzle. He was unlike anyone she ever met, valued her for who she is.

"That you've a boyfriend." He smirked, challenging her to deny him.

"And who is this mysterious boyfriend of mine? I don't remember anyone asking me to be their girlfriend." She answered back busy checking something on her mobile.

"Ah so who are you buying clothes for? You don't have a brother and it's not Deniz's size." Ferit pulled out the mobile from Nazli's hand. She was scrolling through some shirts and had a black shirt of his size in the basket.

"My roommate" She smiled at him, snatching back her mobile.

"Fine!!" He sulked and scrolled through his mobile.

"We can talk to her tomorrow or would you prefer if we meet in person?" She played with his fingers as he concentrated on his mobile.

"It would be better in person, but I understand you've a busy schedule. So, we'll plan something next month." He understood she was nervous about it.

"Asuman would be so excited to see you" She smiled at him still in the dark of their secret meeting.

"What?" She tried to read the meaning behind the mischievous smile on his face.

"Nothing.... Are you ready to be my guide again?" He smiled as they approached the station.

"Do you have to ask?" She was excited to be with him.

They visited a few attractions and ate some food at a cafe. It was evening when they headed to the pub Deniz messaged them to be at. They secured a table and cheered for Deniz as the performance kicked off. As the performances ended, they ordered some food and were waiting for it. Ferit was playing with her fingers as he sat next to her.

"There you are!!" They saw Deniz walk in with Buse.

"Are you here next week Ferit?" Buse asked him as they were eating.

"I don't know yet..." He said as he needed to plan what to do.

"It's Hayat and Burak's wedding. I thought we could go together" She said hoping they'll be able to catch up with their old friends.

"I forgot. Burak would kill me if I missed it. Thanks for reminding me." He said checking his reminders.

They started reminiscing about college days when Burak tried various attempts to woo Hayat.

"Nazli and I are going to get drinks. What do you want?" Deniz interrupted them.

Nazli went along with Deniz while Ferit and Buse were busy recollecting memories.

Once they got back, the music was slow and Buse asked Ferit for a dance.  Deniz took Nazli to the dance floor.

"So, what do you think?" Deniz asked.

"About what Deniz?" Nazli was confused.

"Them" He said, pointing to Ferit and Buse.

"I told you." Deniz smiled. Nazli went speechless.

"Jealous, are you?" He asked as she turned silent.

"Why will I be jealous Deniz?" She asked him.

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