Surprise guest

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"Good Morning" She opened her eyes to drown in the chocolate brown eyes staring at her.

"Morning" He kissed her forehead and snuggled her even closer as she lay in his arms.

"Ah Monday... back to work" She sighed.

"I know" He was not ready to leave her.

They heard the bell ringing and looked at each other surprised.

"I thought you gave your spare key to Engin" Nazli checked with him.

"Yes, and I did hear them entering the house last night, so it isn't them." He answered her.

"Let me go and check" He looked for his t-shirt and found it in a pile of clothes near the bed and winked at her as he handed her a robe.

"Go before they break the doors" She told him as he tried to play tug of war with her robe.

She tied her messy hair and put on her robe before rushing out as she heard familiar voices scream "Surprise".

"Asuman Deniz" She saw them hugging Ferit.

"Asuman, weren't you supposed to be preparing for your exam?" She asked her sister, who was hugging her now.

"I missed you too Abla" Asuman was hurt that her sister was more concerned about the exam rather than meeting her.

"Chill Nazli, she's here only for a week and her exam is postponed to next month anyway." Deniz replied.

"That's fine but why didn't you tell us you were coming?" Ferit questioned Deniz.

"To surprise you guys obviously" Asuman replied.

"What's all this noise?" Engin walked in rubbing his eyes followed by Fatos.

"Engin" Deniz was happy to see him.

"Ah Deniz" They hugged each other and Nazli introduced them to Asuman, who was pleased to meet Fatos.

Nazli guided Asuman to the guest room while Deniz said he was only here to drop Asuman but might freshen up here as he would be late to office otherwise.

"We'll catch up for dinner Deniz, I'm still a bit sleepy." Engin and Fatos went back to their room.

Deniz went to freshen up in one of the spare bathrooms while Ferit went back to their room to get ready.

"How's' the honeymoon going Abla?" Asuman nudged Nazli once they were in the room alone.

"What do you think?" Nazli questioned Asuman crossing her arms.

"Oops I was bored at home.  When Deniz asked if I wanted to come, I couldn't refuse." She replied falling on the bed.

"Are you sure you didn't ask Deniz to bring you here?" She was sure it was the opposite.

"Abla, it was Deniz's idea." She gave a puppy eyed look to her sister, which she knew did its work.

"Fine... I need to go to work. I'm sure you're going to sleep now, so see you in the evening. Text me if you need anything." Nazli hugged her and left.

She walked into her room to see her husband coming out of the bathroom wrapped in a bathrobe. He wrapped her in his arms shaking his head, causing wet droplets to fall on her. She just took the spare towel on the bed and started to dry his hair.

"Busy day today?" She asked trying to focus on her task as he traced her neck and shoulder with his lips.

"Hmmm meeting around 10:00 but should be free around 12:30" He said continuing with his task.

"Lunch then" He agreed to meet her for lunch knowing plans would be made for dinner with everyone.


"Sorry I'm late Ferit" She kissed him on the cheek before settling down opposite him.

"It's fine Nazli, just been here for 5 min... I was late as well" He said.

"How was your meeting?" She asked as they ordered food.

"Pointless... leave that... Would it be okay to go to Istanbul in December?" He asked.

"Yes. I thought so too, it'll be a good time to take a break and spend some with family." She agreed to his plan.

"So, did Asuman tell you anything?" He asked.

"About?" She had no idea about what he meant as he looked at her expectantly.

"About them..." He rolled his eyes, but she seemed oblivious.

"Don't tell me you didn't figure out that things have progressed between Deniz and Asuman" He was surprised she had not picked up on their stares and how they answered for each other this morning.

"What?" She looked at him in surprise.

"Nazli, were you at the same breakfast table this morning?" He questioned her as it seemed obvious at breakfast that there was a silent communication going on between them.

"I... I was a bit distracted" She said, not wanting him to read her thoughts while she pretended to be busy eating her food. She couldn't possibly tell him she had eyes only on him in the morning.

"Distracted with what?" She was usually very attentive to her surroundings but then he recalled their explosive kiss this morning just before heading to breakfast and a smile lit his face. His wife was lost in his thoughts.

"Ok that explains Asuman's sudden visit. Do you think we should interfere?" She asked as she knew he caught her and tried to wipe that smile of his face.

"I don't think we should. They're both sensible and besides, it would mean they'll leave us alone" He winked at her.

"Fine but don't let them know that we sensed it. I don't want to miss this chance to trouble them." She was excited to take her revenge.


"Deniz, why don't you leave early if you're tired." Nazli noticed Deniz holding his head in his head as she sat at her desk post lunch.

"It's fine, a coffee will sort me out. There are a lot of mails to catch on. Where have you been?" He was surprised to see her missing from her desk.

"Lunch" She focussed on logging in her computer.

"With?" He asked as he checked his mails to see if he missed any team lunches.

"My husband of course." Nazli whispered as she moved close to his desk. There have been changes to their desks and much to the annoyance of Deniz, his desk was next to Nazli.

"My husband hmmmm... Ferit has come very far" He smirked, and she knew how to wipe it.

"If you'll excuse me, I need to call my sister to check if she bothered to wake up and eat lunch." She picked up her mobile.

"She did and went back to sleep again" He said and bit his tongue as he realised. He was not sure when things went beyond friendship with Asuman. They always teased each other but somehow while planning to get Ferit and Nazli to meet, they got closer. Spending time with her back home confirmed the same.

Nazli looked at him surprised.

"I called to check on her to see if she needed anything and to invite her for dinner this evening. I mean I booked a restaurant for all of us." He had to figure it out with Asuman before revealing anything to Nazli.

"Thanks, I'll let her sleep then" She cut the call. She could make out Deniz was extremely nervous and decided not to push it further for now.

"Do leave at 3 and catch up on some sleep before dinner tonight." She ordered him and he agreed.

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