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"Hello... anyone home?" Nazli announced as she came back from work.

"Ah just in time for tea" Fatos announced as she got the tea out.

"I'm going to miss you so much Fatos" Nazli said as she joined Engin and Fatos in the living room for tea and biscuits. They were leaving the next day but Nazli wanted them to stay for some more time.

"Are you sure you don't want to postpone your trip by a week?" She said as she picked her teacup.

"You're not bored of us already? Think about your poor husband, we're technically gate-crashing your honeymoon period." Engin teased her.

"Haha very funny, but true, think about him. He didn't get to spend much time with you because of his trip." Nazli reasoned.

"It's fine Nazli. I need to be here on a work photoshoot for the magazine next month. I didn't want to come but now that I've a place I might. Be prepared to host me again." Fatos declared.

"Anytime. Besides, look who's pampering who" She said pointing to the tea.

"Abla you're back." Asuman joined them rubbing her eyes.

"Time to get ready for dinner" Fatos left followed by Engin.

"Ah is it time for dinner already? Let me drink some tea and freshen up" Asuman settled down in a chair, picking up a cup.

"Asuman I know Deniz invited you for dinner, but I don't think you should" She played around with her words.

"Why Abla?" Asuman held herself from spitting out the tea.

"You seem to be a bit tired, let's not exhaust you" She held her smile.

"No, I'm fine... besides, I slept a lot. I don't think I'm sleepy anymore. I'll look okay once I take a hot shower." Asuman tried to convince her. The whole point of this trip was to spend some time with Deniz. How could she not go for dinner?

"Okay if you say so." Nazli smiled as her mobile buzzed and it was text from Ferit that he would meet them at the restaurant.


As they reached the restaurant, Asuman was looking everywhere for Deniz but did not seem to find him. When he asked her to come to London with him, she said yes without even considering it for a second. Was she falling in love with him? Should she talk to her sister? Now that Nazli is related to Deniz, would she mind if things go wrong? Where was he?

Once they sat down in the chairs, Nazli mentioned that she asked Deniz to leave early and sleep so maybe he must have slept. Nazli called him twice but no answer. As they ordered drinks, he came running.

"Sorry everyone. I slept and forgot to set an alarm." He said as he sat down in a chair opposite her.

"It's okay Deniz. Thanks for organising this" Engin enjoyed the ambience and the views of the city from the glass walls.

"Where's Ferit?" Deniz asked, noticing the empty chair on the other side of Nazli.

"He said he'll meet us here but must be stuck in a meeting. No response." She checked her mobile again to see if there was any message. Earlier he texted that he would meet them at the restaurant, but there was no sign of him and there was no response to any of her calls or texts either.

As they were busy eating the starters,

"Sorry I'm late" Ferit slipped into the empty chair beside his wife. He squeezed her hand, pleading with his eyes. She just nodded and turned her attention to Fatos, who sat opposite her. He knew he should have messaged her but too late.

They had fun talking about the city, food and catching up with stuff. It was time to head home. Ferit tried to call a taxi to head home when Deniz stopped him.

"Let's walk to the Millennium Bridge and get a picture. We can take the tube later. It's their last night here, a slice of London."  Deniz tried to convince the group as he wanted to get spend some alone time with Asuman. Engin readily agreed and he walked ahead with Fatos. Ferit tried to hold Nazli as they walked while she ran ahead to join Engin and Fatos.

"Asuman I wanted to talk to you" Deniz started but stopped as Ferit joined them.

They took pictures and headed to catch the tube. As the doors were closing, the other two couples made it but Deniz deliberately pulled back Asuman and the doors shut. He signalled that they would take the next one.

"Did you notice that?" Nazli whispered in his ear, leaning in close to him as the tube was packed.

"Finally, you want to talk to me" His lips were dangerously close to her cheek as he spoke.

She had to hug him to steady herself as the tube halted suddenly. She pulled out and looked for something to hold onto but no luck and the people getting on seemed to push her further into him. He gave her a smug smile and she held onto his shoulders giving up.

"You didn't reply or pick up my calls. I do get scared you know. You don't have to be elaborate... one text that you'll be late would also do the job." She knew he must have been caught up with something but just one text would have calmed her down.

"Sorry it won't happen again" He knew he should have texted when the call got extended but, in a rush to get there forgot to check his mobile.


Once they were home, Engin and Fatos left to their room to pack and rest as they had an early flight.

"Should I call her?" Nazli asked Ferit.

"Why do you want to be a spoilsport Nazli? Leave them alone" He said pulling her in his arms.

"I don't know... it's just weird... Deniz and Asuman, who would have thought? They used to just annoy each other" She could not work out how it could happen as they were always fighting around her.

"I know it feels strange, but I have a feeling it's better we wait until they tell us rather than pressure them. I mean we're married so if we say something, they might feel pressured to make it work. Let them be completely sure." He did not want to force them. She was lost in thought.

"What?" He sat down on the sofa with her in his lap breaking her chain of thought.

"Just imagining if you'd be this rational with your kids in future." She had no idea why she suddenly thought about it.

"I'll set such high precedence for my daughter that someone has to exceed expectations to match that" He rubbed his nose against hers.

"Oh, really daughter is it? Looks like you've done your family planning. I mean you promised Asuman rights to name our second born. Do you care to share your plans a bit?" She tightened the grip around his neck.

"All in good time Nazli... right now my only plan is to give all the attention to my future kids' mother otherwise I might not have any kids at all." He winked.

"You're an ..." Before Nazli could continue, the bell rang, and she went to open the door. She opened the door to see both grinning like fools. She decided to be silent and opened the door wide for them to enter.

She went and joined Ferit who put hand across her shoulder, and watched their siblings explain,

"Tube was stuck..."

"Didn't get a tube..."

They both said at the same time.

"I mean we didn't get a tube for a long time and then it stopped in the middle." Deniz explained.

"Did we ask?" Nazli crossed her arms having fun. She saw them both turn different shades of red embarrassed.

"I'll probably go." Deniz turned to leave.

"You can stay if you want" Ferit suggested as he noticed them exchanging glances.

"No, it's fine I need to unpack as well and sort out a few things. I'll text you once I reach" He said hugging Ferit although the message was for Asuman.

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