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The garden was crowded with family and friends waiting for the birthday girl to make an appearance. Ferit made his way through the crowd, playing the perfect host but his eyes searched for his wife.

He joined his dad and one of his uncles as they talked about the business. His uncle asked when he was coming back and taking over the family business.

"I think dad has already found his successor and doesn't need me." Ferit could not be prouder of his sister for managing it so well and his dad agreed to it.

"Dayi" Bulut called out.

"Yes Bulut" He picked him up in his arms.

"When will Melek cut the cake? I want to eat it." He asked.

"Why don't you play with your friends till she's ready?" He tried to put him down.

"I played with them... I'm tired now, I just want to eat." He said resting his head on Ferit's shoulder. Ferit smiled and held him.

"Where's Nazli?" Ferit enquired.

Bulut raised his head from his shoulder and searched around and then pointed towards the house. She was coming out holding Melek in her arms. Ferit sighed and thought how she was still able to knock him down. He whispered something into Bulut's ears.

As Nazli was playing with Melek, Bulut tugged on her dress. She handed Melek to Zeynep and picked him up "Yes Bulut" She smiled. He just kissed on her cheek and whispered, "from Dayi".

Ferit walked to them and took Bulut from her arms.

"What was that?" Nazli frowned.

"I can't do it in front of everyone" He whispered.

"You're crazy" She walked to the table where the cake was while he stood looking at her.

Zeynep held Melek while Demir held Bulut and the cake was cut. Melek eagerly took a bite of strawberry from everyone that fed her causing them to laugh. Bulut got a big piece and he held it to Ferit and Nazli to take a bite. When they bent down to take a bite, he grabbed it back and ran away. Nazli quickly kissed Ferit on the cheek and walked away.

They were teasing each other with eyes as they stood far away in two corners, attending to the guests. Deniz dragged him and Asuman dragged Nazli to sit with them.

"We should've opted for a family ceremony like you. I can't deal with this anymore." Deniz ranted about the never ending wedding planning.

"What is it now?" Nazli smiled knowing their constant fight about food, décor, and bands. Though Deniz let Asuman get away with everything, he was adamant about the band he wanted and got his way.

"Asuman wants to have a henna ceremony now. An additional thing to plan for." Deniz crossed his arms in frustration.

"Excuse me, it's my night. You don't have to plan for it." Asuman fought back.

"It's unnecessary stress. We are already having a wedding ceremony and reception, what's the need to throw another party into the mix?" Deniz was concerned.

"That's true. It'll be tiring as well." Nazli agreed.

"Abla, you're supposed to back me up. I thought so too but Fatos abla sent me a picture of a red dress and I thought it would be so cool to wear it..." Asuman said dreamily.

"What? When? I banned her from sending you anything. Where is she?" Nazli looked around for Fatos, who was cooing over Melek. She called out to Fatos.

"Why do I sense trouble?" Fatos asked as she saw Nazli glaring at her.

"What did I tell you?  Thanks to you, she already has a separate dress for ceremony and reception and now you're adding on to the list with henna as well."  Nazli was annoyed with her.

"She's my sister too, I can spoil her as much as I want." Fatos defended herself.

"Come on Nazli, there won't be another wedding for a while. Let her have what she wants, I'm here now I'll help as well..." Ferit argued knowing Asuman and Deniz were the last ones in the family to get married.  Nazli agreed as he persuaded her with his charm and smiled as Asuman hugged Ferit.

She went inside to get some water when he dragged her into his study. She was backed to the wall and he leaned on her.

"Finally, I get a chance. Everyone is busy. No one will disturb us now" Ferit caged her using his arms.

Their moment of peace earlier that morning was disturbed by Deniz, Asuman and later his family's arrival.

"Do you like the arrangements?" She held on to him.

"Is it about the decorations outside or the changes in decor inside?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Ah, so you did notice the changes?" She thought he would not have noticed.

"Of course, I do. I lived here once. I like the splash of colour. It was much needed just like you in my life. When did I ever not like your choice?" He caressed her cheek.

"Really? I can go for a yellow sofa then?" Nazli teased him, only for him to widen his eyes..

"Hold on, I agreed to a splash of colour not turning the room into a rainbow." He looked at her in shock.

"Fine we'll stick to blue then" She shrugged in return.

"Thank you..." He whispered against her lips as she saw the shine back in her eyes.

In the past few months, he saw the light in those eyes disappear and worry consume them. He felt helpless and tried his best to cheer her. He drowned himself into work to keep his own worries at bay.

"Sorry" She looked into eyes as they pulled back, apologising for all the worry she caused him. She was thankful for the family to put things into perspective.

Both her mother and mother-in-law sat her down and explained that it was okay. It might be easy path for some but for others, it took time. Rather than drowning in sorrow, she should live her life and do things under her control.

"What for?" Ferit narrowed his eyes on her in concern.

"For running away rather than facing reality. I'll schedule an appointment with the doctor once we're back home." Nazli was more prepared to face the consequences than she was before. He kissed her forehead, and they went to join the family.  She stopped him before they stepped out.

"And yes, whatever the future holds having you by my side is all I want forever... You're my everything".

 You're my everything"

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Right I think I'll end it here... Thanks for all the love on this :) This was my attempt to write a simple moments without much drama... Hopping on to other stories and may be a new one if I do get more time to write

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