Percy and Padfoot

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Rosabella's Point of View:

I waited eagerly in the empty corridor with Winter standing next to me. I had conjured a large amount of super glue and spread it all over the wall. Now all I need was Malfoy and Parkinson to arrive. While Hermione was sleeping I had a peek at the patrol timetable Hermione had in her bag, so I knew when and where the prefects would be patrolling. I heard footsteps approaching and the unbearable shriek of laugh from Pansy Parkinson. When they reached the wall that I had spread the super glue on, I leaped out of my hiding space with my wand already of.
"Flippindo!" I exclaimed.

The spell knocked them back into the wall of super glue.

Pansy shrieked as her whole body was stuck to the wall. Malfoy was trying desperately to get out of the super glue by sheer force.
"I wouldn't do that, unless you want your hear to be ripped out." I said, cackling.

They both immediately stopped moving.
"Detention, Black!" Malfoy yelled, but only moved his lips.

I just continued to laugh and I took my camera out and took a picture.
"Black! I'll get you back for this!" Pansy shrieked, still not daring to move a muscle.
"I'm trembling in fear." I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

I waved goodbye to them cheerfully and proceeded to leave.
"Where are you going, Black?" Malfoy demanded.
"Get us out of this NOW!" Pansy shrieked.

While Harry served his detentions with Umbridge, I was pranking the new prefects. Jason, Jacob, Fred and George usually handled the prefect initiation pranks but I beat them too it.

For the Ravenclaw prefects I kept confounding them and they kept patrolling the same corridor a dozen time. They kept getting more irritated with each other. After an hour of doing this I eventually stopped. They were both annoyed at me but eventually they joined in on my laughter.

For the Hufflepuff prefects I let off a bunch of stink pelts and fireworks that chased them around. Let's just say I got more then one detention that night. Harry was always unusually quiet when he came back from his detentions.

I first thought it was because he was exhausted but now I'm starting to get the sense that he's hiding something,  since I've been helping get through all his homework. I would help Ron too, but I have no idea where he goes, nor do I even understand why he's letting himself get so far behind in homework. Harry didn't have much choice but what was Ron's excuse.

I was shocked when I saw Ron at the quiditch tryouts. Then it all clicked on where he was disappearing to. He mist of been practicing. I smiled encouragingly at Ron as he was shaking slightly. Fred and George were shocked too but then they smirked at each other. I didn't go easy on Ron, he may be my froend but we needed to make sure we had the best Keeper for our team. I refuse to lose to Slytherin.

Ron made the team he flew well but there were two people who were better then him. Jason and Jacob picked Ron over them because one girl had other commitments and would prioritise her Charms club over practices if they ever clashed. The other was a boy who whined and complained a lot. I was thrilled Ron made the team and Ron was too.

The happy mood evaporated, at least for me, when Harry told me that his scar hurt when Umbridge touched him. Harry wanted to tell Sirius before he considered telling Dumbledore. Hermione warned him about putting something like that in a letter and what would happen if it got intercepted.
Harry angrily went to bed and I pretended to go to bed but snuck out like I usually do. Harry wrapped one arm around me and I fell asleep with my head on his chest.

Rosabella Black |Daughter Of Sirius Black| (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now