The Noble And Most Ancient House Of Black

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Rosabella's Point of View:
Mrs Weasley followed us upstairs, looking grim.

"Straight to bed now, all of you, no talking. We've got a busy day tomorrow. I expect Ginny's asleep." Mrs Weasley added to me and Hermione.

Winter followed us upstairs and was by my side, likeshe always was. I scratched in her favourite spot behind her ear.
Hermione and I said goodnight to the boy. I gave Harry a quick kiss goodnight, well, it was quick because Hermione practically dragged me away from him to my room.
Ginny was not asleep and we quietly told her everything they told us. We mainly wondered what the weapon was and where it was.

"Maybe it's at Hogwarts?" Ginny said, vaguely, as if she doubted it.

"I doubt it." Hermione said, thoughtfully.

"Dumbledore wouldn't put a weapon in the school. The Philosophers Stone wasn't dangerous itself, just the person after it." I whispered and the others nodded in agreement.

We then heard footsteps coming upstairs. We all quickly scrambled into bed and my arms circled Winter as she lay down. The footsteps stopped at our door and I guessed it was Mrs Weasley, checking to see if we were talking. I felt my eyes droop as I waited for her to move away from the door. Hermione, Ginny and I didn't have another chance to talk as the footsteps of other members walked up the stairs. Sleep eventually over took me.

I was woken up by Winter licking my face. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Hermione and Ginny were still asleep. I looked out the window next. It was still dark. I looked back at Winter. Winter jumped off the bed and was bouncing up and down frantically. I got up out of bed and Winter grabbed the hem of my sleeve and dragged me towards my door.

I decided to see what had Winter this on edge since this wasn't her normal behaviour. I opened my door carefully and quietly. I followed a frantic Winter to the guest room Harry and Ron were staying in. I heard muttering and it sounded like Harry. I opened the door and crept inside, closing it behind me. I stalked over to Harry's bed and Winter whined at the restless sleeping Harry.

I reached out to touch Harry's forehead to move some of his hair that was in his face. When my finger tips brushed against his finger tips Harry's hand shot up and grabbed my wrist tightly. I tensed by Harry soon loosened his grip when he realised it was me.

"Ro . . . what are you doing in here?" Harry asked, tiredly.

"Winter woke me up and led me here. She was worried about you, so am I. The nightmares again?" I whispered, sympathetically.

Harry sighed and nodded. We were silent for few seconds.

"Move over." I said quietly.

Harry obliged.

"What are you doing?" Harry whispered as I climbed into his bed.

"I'm staying with you incase the nightmares return. I might not be able to stop them but you won't be alone to deal with them, at least." I whispered and snuggled into Harry's chest.

Harry didn't have the energy to argue and I don't think he wanted to. Harry wrapped his arms around me and I found myself falling asleep, feeling more peaceful then I ever have in my entire life.

I was woken up by footsteps. I rubbed my eyes and checked Harry's watch that was on the nightstand. It was 7:30 in the morning. The Order usually got up at this time. Harry was still fast asleep. I knew I needed to sneak back into my room because everyone would go nuts if they found out.

I sighed and wiggled out of Harry's arms. I kissed his forehead and I made my way to the door. I listened intently and when there were no signs of footsteps I carefully crept back into my room with Winter walking just as quietly as me. I carefully got back into my bed, luckily Hermione and Ginny were still asleep. Winter settled in my arms and I fell asleep again.

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