Chapter 10: Embrace

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i knocked on the door.

i waited for a couple of seconds, then heard the sound of rushed footsteps. the door swung open. daichi stared at me, frozen in place, his hand still holding the door. his lips were parted and his eyes were looking at me from all directions. suddenly, he clenched his free hand and bit his lip, his brow furrowing. as i was about to open my mouth to speak, daichi moved at what seemed like lightning-quick speed, embracing me in his arms.

i gasped, my eyes shooting wide open. i was obviously shocked at first. i didn't expect it. his strong arms squeezed me tight into a hug. my body didn't know how to react. i was frozen in place. my mind couldn't comprehend what was happening. i eventually snapped back into reality and slowly wrapped my arms around daichi.

once i did that he snuggled his face into the crook of my neck. the motion caught me off guard, but soon i melted into the hug. i could already feel my face burning red because of the interaction.

how much time had passed? i don't know, but neither one of us dared to move or let go. it was like, time didnt exist at the moment. as if time and everything else in the world was just... frozen. the only thing in that moment, was us.

snapping back into reality, i patted daichi's back softly. he slowly, somewhat reluctantly, let go of me. he back away a bit and looked at me in the eyes. my eyes widened.

his eyes were red and puffy, tears streaming down his face. i- what happened? was he okay? daichi wasn't the type of person to cry often. he was always so strong, and always kept his composure in front of the team. he was the captain, so he found that it was his duty to seem like this... unbreakable figure, in a way. he rarely cried. when we lost an important game? sure. but.. this? i don't know. something had to be wrong...

"daichi, are you-"

"y-you're okay," he choked out. he reached out with both hands and grabbed mine. "you're okay."

"w-what? of course i am daichi, what are you talking about?"

"y-you... you didn't answer... for a week. you didn't even answer your mom," he looked down, still holding my hands in his. "i-i was so worried... i thought something happened to you. i didn't even want to go to your house to check on you because... i was afraid. afraid to find you, and that something had happened. i... i thought it was my fault. is it my fault?"

once again, i was frozen in place, not knowing what to do, say, or how to react. as each word escaped his mouth, my heart broke a little every time. i opened my mouth to speak, but daichi continued.

"was it something i said? did i do something wrong? did i... hurt you?"

tears were still streaming down his face, nonstop. i've never seen him cry this much, and honestly, it hurt me so much just to see him like this.

"daichi, you... youve never done anything wrong. i-i was the problem all along."

"suga what're you-"

"no," i interrupted. "let me finish." daichi closed his mouth and gave a small nod. i took a deep breath, looking down at his hands holding mine. "when you said you liked michimiya-san, it... it broke my heart, to be honest. i didnt know what to say. i wanted to be happy for you, but... deep down... i-i wasnt. all i could think those days was, 'shes so much better than me. she's prettier. nicer. she's a regular on the team. she's...a girl.'"

i looked back up at him, tears starting to form in my own eyes.

"suga... wh- why would you think that? you're still my best friend, and that won't change-"

"haha. god daichi, you really are dense," i chuckled slightly. his tears had finally stopped. he looked at me with a perplexed look on his face. i smiled, "let me just show you..."

still holding his hands, i pulled him in towards me. i closed my eyes shut, pressing my lips against his. our lips overlapped, as if they were a perfect match for each other. i wrapped my arms around his neck; he put his hands on my waist and pulled me in closer. i felt my entire body melt. this was... perfect. the moment i had waiter for- waited for so long. and... it finally happened. it finally happened.
we both pulled away from the kiss, still embracing each other. i looked at daichi. i could already tell my face was probably tomato red. i smiled at him; he grinned back.

"do you understand now, daichi?"

"oh, i think i understand quite well," he replied, smirking.

"hehe, i...i love you daichi."

"i love you, too, suga."

~The End~

February 2, 2021
(A/N: AHHH OMGGG GUYS ITS FINALLY FINISHED!!🤩 i hope you guys enjoyed it! i had so much fun writing this i cant omg- i really enjoy this, sou if any of you would like a ship for the next story please let me know!

(i found this pic and i thought it was fairly similar to the end scene credits to Viria🤍 i love their art sm bye-)

(i found this pic and i thought it was fairly similar to the end scene✨ credits to Viria🤍 i love their art sm bye-)

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

anygay, i really hope yall enjoyed this cringy ending✨😃 love y'all and see ya in the next story❤️

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