Chapter 9: Sprinting

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i was ready to go.

i was already dressed, so i put on some white socks, grabbed my phone, and walked to the door. i slipped on my shoes and walked out the door, locking it once i was outside. it was about a fifteen to twenty minute walk to daichi's house from mine, so i decided to get moving. i had been to his house a couple of other times, so i knew where i was headed.

i usually headed up to his house to do homework, or because i was bored or feeling lonely, or because he called me to go. it always made my heart flutter knowing he wanted my company. now i caught myself wondering, did he feel the same way whenever i invited over? well, that's assuming what he said in the voicemail was true and those were his real feelings.


the plan was to walk to his house, since it was still early in the day and it wouldn't take that long, but somehow, i found myself sprinting to his house. my legs just started moving on their own. it was as if my heart took over at that second, taking over the reins, and leading my body. in what should've taken me 15 minutes to get there, i arrived in 5. i was standing right in front of his door. i doubled over, out of breath. i don't think i had ever run this fast in my life. ever. i guess you could tell how desperate i was to tell him.

i honestly thought it would be the other way around; me kind of wanting to tell him, but didn't really want to either, because i'd be scared of the outcome. but now it's different. there's nothing more i want to do at this moment. all that's on my mind right now is telling daichi how i feel. and to be honest, i didn't care what the outcome was. whether the feeling was reciprocated or not, was the least of my concerns. all i wanted to do was tell him and get it off my chest, because hiding something from my best friend? that was a big no-no.

i can't believe i've been able to live with this secret for 3 years. i don't know how i did it.

when i was able to breathe again, i stood up straight, closed my eyes, and took and a deep breath. i said a few calming words to myself and reopened my eyes.

come on koushi. you can do it. just tell him.

i turned to the door and brought my fist up.
i knocked on the door.

February 1, 2021
(A/N: hey guys! how are yall? hope yer all doing GREATwell hope you enjoyed chapter 9! well bEcAuSe i started writing this i guess i started simping for daichi more than i already did😃✋🏻 gReAt🤺✨ welp anygay, hope to see yall in the next chapter!

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